Episode 4: Missy

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I managed to inhale a lungful of air before being plunged into the water. Even though the salt stung, I forced my eyes open and looked down into the depths of which we were being pulled. I gripped the side of the boat, both afraid to let go and afraid to tread water endlessly.

    Seth must've had the same mentality. He kept us anchored to the boat with his feet linked underneath the benches. I shoved a hand over my face to remind myself not to breathe as we were dragged down deeper, deeper, deeper. My frantic state wasn't helping as I struggled against the urge to go back toward the surface.

    Within moments, the sunlight was beginning to fade. I could barely make out the dark shape that loomed beneath us. It was stationary, but its mouth was gaping open to swallow us whole.

    All of this I registered within a matter of seconds. I hardly had time to process the possibility of us drowning.

    The water was still when we were faced with blinding darkness. For a moment, that's all there was. A screeching noise met my ears as lights illuminated the chamber to reveal the water level decreasing. I strained toward the surface, then gasped for air when my face was above water.

    When it was completely drained, the screeching stopped. Our coughing and gasps for air continued, the only sound. Slowly, Seth stood up, bringing us to stand beside him in the boat. I felt myself shaking as I took in the metal walls, the overpowering stench of seawater, the bright lights that illuminated the circular room.

    Above all of this, I felt something familiar, yet increasingly startling: fear.

    The lone door slammed open. I snapped my attention to it, my hands immediately finding Seth's.

    The girl who had helped us last night, Missy, was standing against the doorway, her loose, clean hair tumbling down her back. She looked to be about my age, maybe a little older. A smile rested on her lips, almost naturally. It was kind, not hostile. Had she been the one to harass Seth?

    I looked to his face. His mouth was pressed into a thin line, shoulders held rigidly. Eden, who seemed to have snapped out of his stupor, suddenly broke from our little group and stepped forward.

    His expression wasn't cold, like I thought it would be. He was actually smiling out of pure,  genuine joy though we were sopping wet and smelled like the ocean.

    "Eden," the girl said, but it sounded more like a musical note.

    "Missy," he greeted in return, hurrying toward her. They embraced quickly, then broke apart. He turned to us, excited. "Stefen, don't you remember..."

    His voice trailed off when he saw Seth's stature. Missy's face fell as she looked at us.

    She motioned us to follow her, taking Eden's arm to urge him to come along. Tentatively, Seth and I stepped out of the boat. I was throughly confused, hoping that someday, all of this would eventually make sense.

    We went through a narrow, illuminated hallway. The submarine was made completely of metal, which I almost slipped on.  A few people passed us, unfazed by our presence as we quickly followed Missy, who was talking in quiet murmurs with Eden.

    The walk was brisk and short as I continually walked closer to Seth, who kept looking at me nervously. If Eden was at ease, I should be too. Right?

    "Mom, Dad! They're okay," Missy called as we entered a room with two people huddled over a table, concentrating on the information in front of them.

    The pair jerked up, a man and a woman. The woman's eyes grew wide at the sight of us, before quickly breaking into a smile identical to Missy's. She rushed to embrace Eden and Seth. The man began typing furiously on a tablet, a grin on his face.

    "I'm so glad we found you!" she exclaimed as she hugged Seth, who was confused.

    He awkwardly patted her on the back, eyes full of bewilderment. She didn't acknowledge it, hugging Eden instead. He was more grateful for the gesture.

    "Missy, show them where they can get cleaned up, we'll be there soon," the woman instructed, absolutely overjoyed about the extremely short reunion.

    Missy nodded and we left the room.

    "I was told that Lincoln would be at the camp," Missy said to Seth, enthusiastically. When he didn't respond, Eden interfered.

    "He's alive?" he said, voicing my thoughts. He sounded slightly shocked, maybe even puzzled.

    We entered another room where she began pulling clothes out of bins to sort them.

    "Apparently," she said, smiling. Then, she became worried. "He came to our camp a day or so ago. He's really helped with figuring out what to do in response to the Antipode, which is really what we've been trying to plan all along. I didn't know it was so torturous."

    I tried to picture her yelling at someone, but Seth's description from earlier didn't match the girl I was seeing in front of me.

    She turned to me, finally noticing my presence. Her dark eyes examined my filthy features before handing me a pile of clean clothes.

    "You must be Rowin," she said, still holding her happy composure. I nodded, too perplexed to say anything. "I hope you'll help us with this whole situation. I'm sorry you've been pulled into something so unpredictable."

    She truly sounded empathetic, laying a comforting hand on my shoulder.

    "I... I hope I can help," I managed.

    "You already have," she stated. She gave me one last glance before walking out of the room. "Hurry and change, we'll be there soon!"


    The three of us took turns waiting outside while another changed their outfit. Missy skipped off into the room we had been in previously.

    When I walked out in a dry shirt and shorts, I felt a lot better. I made sure I still had the damp paper that contained the poem Seth gave me. I could hardly read it, but it felt too significant to lose.

    Seth walked in, and I was left with Eden.

    He was in his own world, not really saying anything until I prompted him to.

    "What is even happening?" I asked as I sat next to him on the floor.

    "Well, I think we're being rescued," he said, clasping his hands together. "Lincoln, Stefen, Missy, and I all grew up together because our parents worked together. And her parents are here. We must be going someplace safe."

    I let out a breath of tension I had been holding.

    "Will I find my family?" I wondered aloud. If Lincoln was at our destination, did that mean Adria and Jonathan were with him? Were my parents? How have I helped them?

    "I'm sure they'll do what it takes to find them," Eden assured me. "I hope they do what it takes to get rid of Cassius," he spat.

    I smiled slightly. At least his unusual stupor was gone.

    Seth came out, so Eden got up, still contemplating the details of his statement. Seth took his place beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder. I took his hand, running my thumb over his trembling knuckles.

    He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. We were both terrified.



Honestly, I love Missy (even though she's an extremely minor character in this story).

Thoughts so far? (: I promise it'll get more exciting soonly!


{April 2, 2017}


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