At the end of the hallway, Eden, Lincoln, and Missy stood, waiting for us. As soon as we were reunited, we hurried up the stairs at the end of the hall.
My muscles were weak, but my mind had never felt better. For once, I wasn't constantly battling for approval within myself. I knew I was wrong-- but Jesus lived the life that was right.
In the back of my mind, I knew that there would come a time when I wouldn't always feel this secure. That's how life worked: inconsistently. If God was able to handle this, He could carry me through anything. I had to learn to trust that, like Jonathan had.
Finally, as I was out of breath and on the brink of collapsing, we made it to the roof. The air was violent with the atmosphere singed with electricity. The others seemed frantic, and Missy was dazed. Lincoln kept whispering to her to seal her thoughts in the moment.
"Eden, start joining them together! I have the compasses," Lincoln instructed, breaking his concentration on Missy. She was nestled against him, while he held the bronze and black compass apart from each other. I noticed the gloves on his hands to prevent the Antipode from touching his skin.
Eden nodded, pulling out the rings with the same type of rubber gloves. I noticed his face was more calm, his eyes at peace. He flashed a grin at me before shifting his gaze to Seth.
We all looked to Seth as he brought out the black key, but no copper key. His eyes went wide as the wind whipped our faces, taking our breath away.
"Stefen!" Eden shouted, suddenly irritated. "Where's the other one?"
"I don't have it!" he replied, instantly bewildered. "I thought I did, I promise--"
"It's okay, we can still do this," I said, just loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me, upset yet grateful.
Lightening struck the sky, causing us all to jump. Missy cringed into Lincoln, who protectively held her closer.
"We have to find it!" Lincoln exclaimed. "I can't live like this anymore! We need to reunite the realities. We have to!"
His desperation was unnerving. Usually, he was the one who held it together. As I followed his gaze, I understood. He looked down to Missy who clung to him. Her eyes were closed, expression afraid. He bit his lip, obviously worried about her.
The hatch to the roof slammed open before we could think of a solution. We turned, shocked. An older man crawled out of the small space, clutching a roll of cloth. He stood, clothes being tugged at by the brewing storm.
Seth tensed into me as the man drew close.
"You aren't destroying my world!" he snarled angrily.
Then, it clicked. This was Cassius' father, Concord. The power thirsty man who developed the Antipode for control.
I hardly had time to process the thought before Eden was moving. In one hand, he clutched the rings together, causing a deafening crack! to sound across the sky. The storm seemed to move to his hand where the two objects were linked. He pulled off the glove, wrapping the rings up, then threw them across the roof. The storm followed.
Wind whipped our faces. I heard Lincoln shout something incomprehensible. Eden didn't hear him, either. He tackled the man by the knees, knocking him to the ground.
I watched in shock as Eden threw punches, stunning the man long enough to take the roll of cloth from his hands.
"Stefen!" Eden shouted, holding his hand out. Seth threw him the key, the only thing he could give him.
The Trace of Stars
Adventure» Sanity was a precious gift they didn't realize they had -- until it was taken from them. « A spilt second was all it took for Rowin's life to fall apart. As the ones she cares for disappear one by one, she realizes the Elements go far beyond her...