Episode 12: The Standstill

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"How long have you been like this?"

    I turned my face to see Seth holding my wrist with a panicked expression. Dazed, I wiggled my fingers, a slight tingling in my thumb. A dark, circular bruise was around it.

    "Rowin, talk to me!" he said frantically.

    "I... I don't know," I sighed, lightheaded.

    "When I came in, you weren't breathing," he stated, taking my pulse with shaky fingers, feeling my forehead.

    "I'm okay, though," I said, sounding more sure of myself.

    "You just went under torture!" he protested, eyes wide.

    "How are you here?" I asked, avoiding the previous comment.

    I took my hand from him and studied the bruise, fascinated. Now Jonathan and I would have matching ones. I smiled at the thought of him still being alive, at both of us living in the truth that Jesus was too.

    I looked to Seth, his eyes wide. He bit his bottom lip.

    "We came to destroy the Anitpode," he whispered, glancing toward the door.


    "Eden and Lincoln are with Missy. We have the Elements and the Antipode, we can--"

    "How is that suppose to work?" I asked, confused.

    I pushed myself up and sat on the edge of the bed. I stared into Seth's terrified gaze empathetically. I had felt that way. I didn't want anyone to feel constantly afraid, since I knew God's love was stronger.

    Didn't Seth know this? How could he not remember?

    "Lincoln came up with it. He said the Elements and Antipode are opposites. If they come in contact, they'll destroy one another and the the two realities will be restored into one again," he explained hurriedly. "We have to go, Rowin. We have to finish this."

    "Seth, why are you so scared?" I asked genuinely.

    The question caused him to pause as he was reaching to pull me up. He swallowed before looking at me, expression conflicted.

    "Because I can't lose you," he said quietly.

    Gently, I pulled him down beside me. He sat, forcing himself to stay calm despite the anxious emotion on his face.

    "Seth, did you forget that God loves you enough to take care of you, so you don't have to be afraid?"

    He froze, staring at his hand on my knee. I placed mine on top of his, causing him to look at me. He had fright in his eyes from the revelation in his mind. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he nodded.

    "I did," he whispered. "And to think I could teach you--"

    "No, Seth. Don't blame yourself," I interrupted, wrapping my arms around him. "It isn't your fault. We all forget things."

    "But I wanted to teach you that, not forget it. I don't want to forget God's gift to me," he sighed. I pressed my face against his shoulder. "I did. I'm guilty."

    "You're forgiven," I countered. "He loves you enough to take that away."

    "He loves you too, Rowin."

    I smiled, body exhausted, soul refreshed.

    "I'm beyond glad the ring didn't destroy you," he said. "Instead, you found life there."

    I looked up at him, grinning. We stood, both renewed during the standstill between wars.

    I hugged him, hoping that we could fully comprehend the Purpose one day. He returned the embrace before pulling me out of the room, our hands linked, ready to restore the world.



WRITING THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY AH. Just a lil' bit of romance. <3 (;

Almost doneeeeeeee with the storyyyyyy (:


{May 28, 2017}


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