Chapter 22 Themyscira, Day 86, 08:00

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Chapter 22

Themyscira, Day 86, 08:00

"Argh" Jane cries as she swings her sword at Artemis. Artemis's blade easily comes up to block it, Artemis swings her sword at Jane and she bends backward, just narrowly missing her blade. Jane's center of gravity is thrown off and Jane falls backward, she pushes herself farther back and propels herself into a flip. She landed shakily but hey she was impressed she had landed at all.

Jane had no clue how long she had been on Themyscira, time was different on the island. It felt like months honestly, at least from a training perspective. Jane's eyes don't leave Artemis across, she had never gotten this far. Artemis starts walking to the side and Jane does too, circling the design in the center.

If the team saw her now would they even recognize me? If her family saw her now what would they say?

Jane was dressed like she lived in ancient Greece, or more accurately fought in Ancient Greece. Her white tunic was falling off her shoulder. Her hair was kept from her face with a brown leather headband that matched my belt. She had silver plated armor covering her chest, forearms, shoulders. Her leather sandals also had some metal plates over her shins and knees.

Artemis was dressed for an all out war, despite this being a training exercise. Her red hair was pulled back in a ponytail and was as bright as the red tunic she wore. Her gold armored chest plate and shoulder pads glistened in the sun. If you compared the two, Artemis looked like a warrior and Jane looked like a sweaty punching bag

Sweat dripped down from Jane's brow onto the marble ground. Jane clenched the hilt of her sword and gritted her teeth.

Artemis was easily one of the strongest amazon's, Jane had two swords and was still losing. Jane was already at a disadvantage against any of the Amazons, they didn't get tired on the island and could theoretically fight forever. Their level of tactical brilliance was outstanding, training with them was hard but an honor. And on some level fun.

"What are you waiting for Artemis?" Jane taunted as she rotated her wrist, rotating the sword around her hand.

Artemis lunges towards Jane, her sword slashes for Jane. Jane blocks it with her blade, Artemis twists Jane's sword and knocks it to the side. It clatters to the ground. Artemis makes another swipe with her sword and Jane blocks her attack, when Jane does Artemis loops her arm in front of Jane and shoves Jane hard towards the ground. Artemis bends Jane's arm back as she is falling and Jane's other sword clatters to the ground.

As Jane's back hits the marble the sharpened of point of Artemis's sword is at her nose, a murderous glare staring down at her.

"You know I am getting really tired of losing to you" Jane states from the ground with a smile.

"I am also getting tired of winning," she says holding out a hand, her green eyes sparkled with delight. Jane takes it and she pulls her off the ground.

"Jane the Queen needs to see you" came Adonia's voice, the queen's messengers.

"You should go. I can continue to beat you later" Artemis says shoving Jane forward. Jane manages to keep herself from falling over. "You should change first though because you are a disgusting".

"Thanks for the tip," Jane says heading up the steps of the training center. "I'll win one of these days Artemis just you wait!" she calls before exiting the training center.

"We'll see!" Artemis calls with a laugh.


Themyscira, Day 1, 18:00

It had been months since Queen Hippolyta had last seen her daughter. So when she had heard word that Diana had come to visit she was ecstatic, up until she saw the small, skeletal child that walked with her.

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