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Chapter 4


I woke up on cold tile. I felt exposed. Probably because I was in an arena with that mirrored glass on all sides. I only know this because I had spent a lot of time surrounded by mirrored glass.

My head burned. Where was I? Hold that thought. What was I wearing?

I looked like a character something out of a space movie. I was covered in a obsidian metal that wasn’t as stiff as you thought it would be. The pieces of metal connected by a dark black fabric. The metal armor-like thing stopped bellow my knees where they met up with the thick leather of a pair sturdy black boots. There was a belt around my waist that has a wick sharp dagger attached to it made of a silverly colored metal. There was a spear on the ground next to me made of a similar metal.

The weapons, the cold tile, the astronaut costume. The entire thing made me feel super uncomfortable. But the important thing was that I was alone and the blinking Exit sign in front of me meant one thing. Escape.

I shot up like a rocket, straight towards the grey double doors. I pulled on the handles trying to get them open.

But of course they were locked, guess the people here weren’t super dumb.

“Project SP1 are you ready for your first test run” the voice echoes around the room. It was creepy guy. Where was he? Which set of glass was he behind?

“The names Rory Parker and I want out” I scream into the air.

“Release the training bots” the voice echoes.

“What!?” I scream at the sky as the door behind me starts to creek. I run away from the door as fast as I can. I was halfway across the room when the door opens fully and out comes three of these Megatron like robots, and they are all rushing at me.

“What do you expect me to do?” I scream as one of the bots gets close enough to swipe at me. I duck and roll across the floor.

Miss Parker Calm down

The words ring in my head leaving an echoing headache. Did I think those? Why do I think in the third person? OK it was not me.

“How are you in my head” I think I grab at my pounding head as I duck as another robot comes at me.

“You need to follow your instincts” the voice says as a Robot Hand comes down on me. I propel my body forward and land on my hands. I flip out of the way. I was no fighter, but I was a gymnast…Or I used to be anyway.

“Are you mental?” I think as I book it to the edge on the other side of the room. My back was against the wall as the robots scan the room for me. This was it I was gonna die by the hand of a giant robot.

“Adrenaline is a powerful thing” The voice says sounding like a dumb fortune cookie.

“I don’t know what to do” I cry in my head, actually it was out loud.

“You need to stop panicking” the voice says. “Fear makes you clumsy, you need to let go of the fear and follow your instincts”.

I close my eyes. Why trust the voice, it could be a hallucination. But what choice did I have. Let go of fear. Let your instincts take over. My insides shift and everything slowed down. MY body moved to a fighting stance and my eyes opened in a flash. The robot was right in front, so close I could see my reflection in the polished surface.

My black hair was mess, my eyes weren’t their usual brown. But they were a burning amethyst. A color that boiled fury

But in the blink of an eye my reflection had a giant gash through it. The robot fell backwards, the wires shooting sparks. The metal tore like skin would, but instead of blood there were spark shooting wires. I look down at my hands to find the dagger tangled up in a mess of wires.


It didn’t make much sense to anybody else in this damn facility. But I was worried about this girl. I was worried about what my…the serum would do to her. I was here to make sure Rory would still be Rory even after this.

She closed her eyes, the biometrics of her suit registered her breathing was slowing. Her entire vital system was slowing down. I crossed my fingers in the pocket of my lab coat.

But visually speaking it was like she was moving in slow motion. She takes a different stance. The bots charge and her eyes open at the last second. The colors of her eyes change, the bright hazel melting into a dark amethyst. The serum had taken effect.

Suddenly all of her vitals sky rocket.

“What’s going on?” I ask frantically. “This wasn’t supposed to happen”.

“Just Watch Dr. Charles” Schwimmer says. “You’re in for quite a show”.

“What did you do?” I ask worried.

“I did nothing the subject’s reaction to the serum is due to a rare condition she has” Schwimmer explains. “But I also had something to do with it”

                “You don’t know if it will be stable in her body or not” I shout.

“But the results will be spectacular” he answers gesturing to the screens surrounding us and the mirror glass that overlooked the arena.

Rory Parker stands over a robot shooting sparks through a large gash in his face. I can only assume was caused by the dagger in her hand. She flips the dagger in her hand charges, she jumps and bounces off the first bot to land on the second knocking him over. She rolls towards the spear.

She turns it in her hand and it made me wonder how much of Rory Parker would be left after all of this. 



Rory: I am so flapjacking cool

Robin: Not Really

ME: Go away Robin you’re not in this Story

Robin: WHAT?

Rory: Yeah. This Story is all about me buddy.

Sorry guys that was weird, I’m a little drowsy, it is 3am and I went on crazy black Friday shopping trip. This story probably won’t be posted till I’m done with my Chem report. Maybe I should have done that first. OH WELL. Nobody can say I don’t love writing or whatever it is I do.

This chapter I dedicated to @DC_NATION_FOREVER_ because she gave me a follow and I gave her one back, also because she’s right. DC COMICS FOREVER!!!!!!

Remember to check out my other account @borntoright, I write nonfanfiction stories there. Go check out my story A Writer's Mission Impossible. Also my new story Taxis to Rickshaws. Also watch out for my stories that will be coming out soon, A Crooked Bullet and Roofless in Middleburg.

I’ll update as soon as possible


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