Chapter 3 (December 14th 2009(I think), and I have no clue what time it is)

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Chapter 3 December 14th 2009(I think) and I have no clue what time it is cause I was drugged

I woke up with my head wrapped in a fog with a pounding sound in it. Like my head had been wrapped up in a series of bomb blasts. Wonder if this is what it was like for my dad, the supposed war veteran. My feet were asleep I tried to shake it out, but for some reason my feet wouldn’t move. I try to sit up but that wasn’t happening either. I crane my neck to look at the thick leather straps around my wrists, and I assumed my ankles.  

“Mom” I call out. Was I in the hospital again? Don’t ask about how it happened the first time. Let’s just say it involved a hand grenade and a mannequin’s left hand. Hey what can I say, my pranks gets pretty serious.

“She’s awake” somebody says in the shadows. I look up and see the guy who if I only had one word to describe him only one word would do him justice.


His greasy gray hair was slicked back and he smiled to show two chipped teeth forming a v in the center of his mouth. His eyes hidden in the reflection in the glasses but the felt like they were scanning me up and down, like some pervy old guy.                           

“She reacted very severely to the chloroform” he says looking at a monitor.  “Write that down Ms. Charles” he says pointing into the shadows and just like the creepy guy had appeared. The pale doctor from the school emerged from the shadows writing diligently on a clipboard.

“You...” I say slowly. “What are you…Who the heck are you?” I ask deciding the second question was more important than the first.

“My name is Dr. Carl Swhimmer” he says gesturing to himself.  “And this Is Dr. Maria Charles” he says pointing to the pale lady. “You’ve met her already I believe” he finishes opening a drug cart in the corner of the room.

“Great to meet you” I say pulling at my wrists trying to control my breathing. Remaining calm was key. “Now if you would unnattach me from this table…”

“I am afraid that is not possible” he says cutting me off.

“Excuse me?” I ask confused my heart was in my throat as he filled a syringe with a purple liquid.

“We have some tests to run”

“Tests….?” I ask not caring about not displaying any fear. I was scared it was a simple fact. The pale doctor puts a hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me but I don’t feel any comfort, just fear.

“More like Experiments” creepy guy says. “You are going to be the first of a new age, you will be the first to hold the universe in the palm of your hand”.

“What the hell!” I shout. “Are you high or something? Get that away from me” I scream cringing away from the needle.  

“You have been chosen to be one of the first to test out a new serum” the pale lady says. “You need to calm down this won’t hurt a bit” She grabs the needle from Dr. Schwimmer and positions the needle over my neck.

“Don’t” I say squirming, but the bonds kept me in place. The needle pierces the skin on my neck and I feel the trigger go down. I could feel whatever they put in me coursing through my veins, and it weirdly left the taste of gasoline in my mouth.

The sound of a motorcycle tearing down the street fills the air and suddenly there is a lid coming over the table. Like I was a turkey under the dome on thanksgiving.  I open my mouth to shout out but my heart jumps in my throat as the darkness surround me.

“Let me out” I whimper once the lid completely surrounds me. I wasn’t sure if anybody could hear me. But I wasn’t gonna stay quiet.

“Let me out” I shout. But everything still goes on outside.  

“Now this part will hurt a bit” creepy guy says his face appearing above me. A gas fills the chamber. My heart rate rises as the gas hits my skin and burns my skin. I cry out in pain inhaling the gas. My insides ignite and my body melts the metal table behind me.

Please” I plea one last time.

I’m sorry I hear in my head, but I don’t get the chance to wonder how it got there.

Because that’s when I black out.


Oh no burning gas, purple liquid! What’s gonna happen?
Ch 3 is short I know. But a new chapter means what, it means a new dedication.

This chapters is @wendy2905. Who added my book to her reading list over a month ago. I recognize this because she obviously has good taste and shou ld be rewarded so claps for her.

Remember to check out my other account @borntoright, I write nonfanfiction stories on there. Go check out my story A Writer's Mission Impossible. Also my new story Taxis to Rickshaws. Also watch out for my stories that will be coming out soon, A Crooked Bullet and Roofless in Middleburg.

I’ll update soon promise. 

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