Hey Guys! (Not An Update)

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Hey there!

I have finally found time to write. I feel like this little talks annoy people who just want to know the rest of the story, but I am so happy to tell you~ I am trying to ask a person out! I am tired of the single life. If I can't be single and party. I'm gonna not be single and watch Netflix. Yeah, that isn't the reason I haven't been updating though! I recently became an aunt! The baby is adorable and he is now my little chicken nugget: out of the belly edition! You can tell I'm happy because of all the exclamation points! You guys have been real supportive of my break and I thank you so much. I thought most readers would be mad for some unreason I somehow came up with. I am so happy about how many readers I have gotten through this book! New readers means new people to entertain with my story! I have recently unpublished another book because I just wasn't feeling it right now. I mean I was outraged by all the hate the LGBTQ community was receiving and that is what pushed that book so far, but then I learned I was gonna be a aunt and I was doing amazing in school. I could focus on my motive when I wrote that book. I was trying, but it might have just come out bad. Now I'm ranting! Sorry. I feel like I can tell you peeps! So that ii my little life update. If you want you guys can always message me and rant as well! I'll see you next time!

On with the story!


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