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Hello Lovelies!!!!!!!!!

Okay let me stop yelling real quick.



We are ranked #3 in wwbm.

Out of all those other books.


Oh my goodness!

Oh my lordy!

Oh my turkey and fries!!

This is incredible!!!!!

It's all thanks to you guys!!!

I just wrote the story, it was you who made it good. I am so grateful to have you as readers! You guys just make me feel amazing when I'm writing and when the brave souls that leave comments that make me laugh all the time. I am so lucky to have you because you guys still come back to read even though I am trash at keeping a steady update schedule. You put it on your reading lists and you vote and I'm just so lucky to have you!! I swear on chicken I couldn't be anymore happy right now!!!!

I love you guys!!!

Okay, so that may sound a little fast but we have been here for about a year now so I thought it was time, you know?


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