No Chick Flick Moments

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Soundtrack: New Divide, By Linkin Park


Tim stalked through the manor, currently en route to one of the larger sitting rooms where Alfred was tending to everyone's injuries. Jason had just left after seeing the family portrait, and the more Tim thought about it, angrier he was getting. Tim wasn't usually the angry one of the family. Even when he was, it was usually a controlled type of rage. But, there were times when Tim got angry enough to have an outburst, and he could feel himself gearing up for one. The thing about it was, at that moment Tim didn't really care. After what Bruce had done—or more accurately didn't do—Tim decided that if he did get upset enough, he was going to let Bruce have it.

Tim marched into the sitting room where everybody was being tended, Dick was sitting over by Damian and making sure the young boy was alright, much to Damian's annoyance. Bruce was waiting in line while Alfred was cleaning a small gash on Cassandra's head. The butler finished and Cassandra quietly thanked him before getting up and heading in the direction of her room.

Bruce sat down and Alfred got to work.

"Where might Master Jason be?" Alfred glanced at Tim before turning his attention back to Bruce.

"He left." Tim stated flatly.

Alfred sighed audibly.

"That's not the only thing, when I found him he was looking at the family portrait." Tim added.

"You know, the one he's not in." Tim gave Bruce a pointed look.

Bruce's neutral expression hardened, even more so than usual.

"Oh dear." Alfred said solemnly.

"Bruce, did you really not even ask him?" Tim continued, in an accusing tone.

"He wasn't in Gotham at the time and I didn't think he would want anything to do with it. In the past he's made it perfectly clear he wants nothing to do with us." Bruce protested sternly.

"You believe that? And clearly Jason did, because after he saw it, he looked like he had been kicked in the gut, then he just left without even getting checked out. You saw how much he got thrown around out there. There's no way he's uninjured. Honestly, would it have killed you to ask? What would it have hurt to call him?" Tim shot back, his tone beginning to rise.

"Perhaps if Todd had earned the right, he would've been forewarned." Damian cut in.

"Oh don't give me that." Tim snapped, turning to Damian.

"Yeah, he's made mistakes, yeah, he's screwed up. But news flash, every single one of us has." Tim continued, gesturing to the whole room.

"And he's done more than enough to earn it back. You know how many times he helped but he didn't have to? Hell, he didn't have to help us today, but he did." Tim was now yelling.

"He even stayed and helped bring you back after Bruce took him to Ethiopia." He pointed a finger at Damian.

"You did what?" Dick entered the conversation, his tone low and quiet.

"Father, is that true?" Even Damian seemed shocked.

Bruce sighed.

"I was trying to see if he could remember anything about his death that might help bring you back. At the time, it seemed like a small sacrifice." Bruce replied, as if though he was attempting to justify his actions.

"We all wanted Damian back, but you don't just take someone back to the place they were murdered, Bruce. Especially not after what the Joker dredged up." Dick answered, starting to get upset as well.

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