Rooftop Tag

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Soundtrack: This Is What It Feels Like by Armin van Buuren


Jason's fist collided with the thug's face. The force of the impact knocked the criminal down, and he clutched his nose as blood began to spurt out.

The Red Hood was currently in the middle of stopping a mugging, which more than likely would've turned into something much worse had he not intervened. He drew his gun and fired at a second attacker, hitting him center mass.

A third thug flanked him and attempted to hit him with a pipe. Jason ducked under the swing and came back up, tossing up his gun and catching it by the barrel. He slammed the butt of the gun into the side of the attacker's head, knocking him unconscious. He tossed the gun up once more, this time catching it by the handle and shooting first the mugger in the kneecap for good measure.

He was using rubber bullets, of course. Because tonight he was patrolling with the bats and they were big on that whole 'non-lethal, no killing,' blah blah blah.

Jason holstered his weapon and tuned to the woman cowering in the corner of the alley.

"Hey, you alright? Are you injured?" He asked, his tone softer than it had been when he first confronted the now would-be muggers.

Jason walked over and crouched down in front of the woman.

"I'm fine. I...I'm not hurt." She answered, her voice shaky.

Jason reached over and handed her back her purse that had been discarded by the muggers when he had showed up. She took it and he offered her his hand, helping her to her feet.

Jason quickly zipped tied the incapacitated thugs wrists, and gave the police an 'anonymous tip.'

"Do you want me to stick around until you make it home?" Jason offered, after he hung up the phone.

"No." She shook her head, her voice still unsteady. "My apartments just across the street." She added.

The woman collected her composure and began to walk away.

"Thank you." She spoke quietly, turning back.

"Don't mention it." He replied simply.

"Hey lady," The Red Hood spoke up after a moment.

Jason began digging through his pocket, a second later he found what he was looking for. It was a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly scribbled down a number and passed it to her.

"This is a bad neighborhood. If you ever need help again, give me a call. I know it's odd, but around these parts it never hurts." He stated.

The woman nodded.

It was something Jason hadn't done in a long time, but given the recent crime wave he figured it would be alright. It wasn't his real number of course, it was burner. It was something he had done in the past for some of the residents of Crime Alley. Because believe it or not, you can't always count on the GCPD. There were plenty of corrupt cops, especially ones that dealt with the Alley. Some who would rather make a deal with criminals than actually do their job.

The woman thanked the Red Hood again before heading towards her apartment. Jason silently followed from the shadows, until she made it to her front door and went inside. Red Hood fired his grappling gun as he began to hear police sirens approach. He leaped off the building he was currently standing on and swung a good block before landing on another rooftop.

"All clear here." Red Hood said into his com.

"Great." Nightwing answered, "What about you Red Robin?" He added.

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