Movie Nights and Memorials

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Soundtrack: Castle of Glass, by Linkin Park


Jason walked into his apartment, taking off his gear as he went. It had been three nights since he had taken down Shade's operation and things were finally starting to calm down in Crime Alley. He left Shade alive, but he had given him a heavy beat down. He served as a message, an example, a reminder, to all the other crime lords and dealers in Gotham. Stay away from Crime Alley, and don't sell to children. It was that simple.

Everything had been fairly calm that evening and it was still early, so Jason had gone to one of his apartments to get a shower and maybe take a short nap. He would head back out later to make sure everything stayed quiet. He was hoping for an uneventful evening, but things didn't usually go according to plan for him. So he was still prepared. Jason began to take off his gear, putting everything its place.

Then as if on cue his phone buzzed, Jason sighed and picked it up.

It was a text from Tim.

"We have an emergency. Get to the Manor ASAP." It read.

And there was the 'not according to plan' part.


Tim sat on the big living room couch, wearing a pair of comfortable pajamas and drinking a milkshake. Dick was getting the DVD player ready. Damian had gone into the kitchen to get his milkshake, and Alfred was making popcorn. Dick had decided to have a movie night. They had invited the girls but they were busy training with Oracle.

Then there was Jason, both Dick and Tim wanted him to come. They had even picked out a movie they knew he'd like too, but still they doubted he'd agree.

"Did you talk to Jason?" Dick asked, turning around.

"Yeah, I texted him. He should be on his way, I can't guarantee he'll stay, but I got him to come." Tim replied.

Dick raised an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

"Relax, I've got everything under control." Tim assured, confidently.

Dick gave him a skeptical look, then nodded, and took a seat next to him.

Dick's movie night had been a little on the fly, but Tim was going to make sure Jason wasn't left out like he was on their last movie night. Tim didn't like having to outright lie to Jason, but he was hoping once he got here he could convince him to stay. Hopefully he would get a little help from the others.

They hadn't seen him in a few days since their rooftop game, which might increase their chances of getting him to stay. The thing about Jason that the others didn't understand was, he needed time on his own, time to breath.

Get him to come to something, give him space, repeat. It was a cycle Tim was trying to create. Again, grumpy cat.

Damian strode in with his shake and plopped down on the couch as well. The next several minutes where spent waiting for Alfred to bring popcorn and Jason to show up. As they waited Tim and Damian soon started bickering, which escalated in full on shouting.

Dick was sitting in between the two boys, trying to play referee. Then Alfred walked in with two bowls of popcorn on a tray.

"Boys." The butler said firmly and they both quieted down. Everyone respected Alfred.

He handed them the popcorn and began to head back to the kitchen.

Then without warning, Jason came crashing through a large window that was in between the living room area and the kitchen. The sound of the breaking glass cut through the air as the shards spread across the floor. Jason landed on one knee, he was in full gear, his duel pistols in hand.

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