Canceled Plans

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Soundtrack: How to Save a Life, by The Fray


Jason awoke slowly for once, he rubbed his eyes and blinked away the sleepiness. He was still on the couch, a blanket draped over him.

So it wasn't just a dream. He would never admit it, but it wouldn't be the first time Jason had dreamed something like that. On the topic of dreams, Jason realized hadn't had any nightmares. That was a rare occurrence.

He sat up and stretched his now stiff muscles, a few of his joints popping as he did. He vaguely remembered falling asleep just before the credits of the movie rolled. Now he found himself alone in the living room. The smell of breakfast wafted in from the kitchen, making Jason's stomach growl.

He got up and slowly walked towards the kitchen, passing the tarp that covered the window he broke the previous night. He found Alfred in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Uh...hey." Jason announced himself awkwardly.

"Ah, Master Jason, I trust you slept well." Alfred greeted, "Please take a seat, I will be finished with your breakfast shortly."

Jason sat down, slowly, watching Alfred work expertly in the kitchen. As he sat there, for just a moment he almost felt like that wide eyes little kid again, the one who would sit in the kitchen and watch with interest and eagerness as the butler worked. Almost.

Alfred finished his breakfast and served it, setting it down in front of Jason. It was eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Thank you, but you know you didn't have too." Jason spoke.

"Yes I did, and it is my pleasure." Alfred answered, flashing him a small but fond smile.

Jason dug in as Alfred began to clean up the kitchen area.

"So where is everybody?" Jason asked, in between bites.

"Master Richard left to return to Blüdhaven, and Master Tim and Damain are upstairs preparing to leave for school." Alfred answered.

Jason demolished his breakfast in three minutes flat, putting his dishes in the sink after he was done. He helped Alfred finish cleaning, despite the butler's protests.

He then began to go about collecting his gear, which he had discarded the previous night. He strapped on his Kevlar and threw on his jacket. Then he put his Glocks in the twin tactical holsters he wore on his legs. Jason picked up his crimson helmet and was about to put it on when Tim came down the stairs, Damian following slowly behind.

"Are you boys ready, we will be leaving shortly. I have several errands to run before Master Bruce arrives tomorrow." Alfred announced.

Tim and Damain nodded.

"See you later, guys." Jason said, beginning to walk away.

"Jason." Tim called, walking up to him. Jason turned back.

"Hey, so about last night. You know how you said to include you in important things?" Tim started, nervously running a hand over the back of his neck.

"Yeah." Jason furrowed his brow.

"Well, we're planning a family dinner tomorrow after Bruce gets back. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I want you to know you're welcome t0 come. We'd all really like if you would." Tim informed.

"No way." Jason blurted out of pure instinct.

"Just think about it, please." Tim replied.

Jason took a deep breath running his hand over his face. "Fine. I'll consider it."

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