More Than A Robin

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Soundtrack: Flares, by The Script


After Tim left, Alfred had brought Jason something to eat. Even though it was just a bowl of soup, Jason was already starting to feel his strength returning.

Then Dick had showed up. Needless to say, Jason had almost been hugged to death. Jason thought Dick was being a bit dramatic, but as much as he hated to admit it, their talk had cleared some things up. Jason wasn't sure if he and Dick would ever really 'get along,' but at least now the two former Robins were on better terms.

It had been several hours since Jason had awoke, and Tim, Alfred, and Bruce had been in and out several times. However, there was one person Jason hadn't seen yet.


Jason knew he would come eventually, but it was starting to feel like Damian was avoiding him. Though at the same time, Jason was slightly relieved he hadn't showed up yet.

Jason knew full well he needed to talk to him, but he honestly didn't know what to expect when he did finally see Damian. Would he be happy to see Jason? Would he be pissed? Both? He was betting Damian would be pissed. Mainly because Jason knew he would be pissed if one of his brothers had taken a bullet for him.

After another half an hour, Damian finally turned up. He entered Jason's room quietly.

"Hey, Demon Spawn." Jason greeted, only half seriously.

"Hello Todd." He replied curtly.

To Jason's surprise, his demeanor was that of complete calm. Then he closed the door, and all hell broke loose. Damian sat in a chair in the corner, crossing his arms, and proceeding to glare at Jason.

"Woah, what'd I do this time." Jason grumbled.

"You nearly got yourself killed, that's what! You moronic...baboon." Damian ranted, stumbling at the end.

Looks like I was right for a change. Jason thought.

"Excuse me for saving your life." Jason muttered.

"I did not need you to." He shot back as he standing up.

"Damian, if he had hit you instead of me, you'd be dead right now. Again!" Jason replied, loudly. "I couldn't let that happen."

"It is my life, and my risks. I do not need you trying to sacrifice yourself for me, Todd." He shouted.

"You're just a kid! Okay Damian, you're ten. You're ten years-old, and you've already died once." Jason blurted. "'re younger than I was when I bit the dust. I couldn't let you die a second time." He got quieter towards the end.

"So you thought that made it okay to get yourself killed for me. You died once too you know." Damian's angry shell was starting to crack and reveal hints of sadness beneath.

"Yeah, but there's a difference. You shouldn't have died in the first place, and I should never have come back." Jason countered.

He paused.

"Hell, I don't even know how I came back." Jason continued, his tone quieter. "I know I shouldn't be here though. I'm not the same person I was before, I changed. Something happened, I don't know what, but I know it would've been better for everyone if I had stayed in that grave." He admitted, glancing down at the end. "If I'd gone back."

"Don't you ever say that again." Damian spoke sternly.

Jason could've sworn Damian's eyes looked damp.

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