Ghost at a Gala

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Soundtrack: Brother by NeedToBreathe

Jason sat on the edge of one of the larger buildings in Gotham, a thin layer of patterned frost coated everything in sight. He took a drag from his lit cigarette and exhaled slowly, watching the smoke drift upward and disappear.

The nearly full moon illuminated the sky above Gotham, casting silvery light on a few sparse clouds. Jason could feel the cold night air seeping through the edges of his jacket, he realized even if he hadn't been smoking his breath would have still looked like vapor.

It had been a particularly hectic night on his patrol. Tim wasn't kidding, Gotham had been crazy, more so then usual. But the thing about it was, no matter how bad the rest of Gotham was, Crime Ally was always worse. Needless to say, the long patrol had left Jason feeling weary and exhausted. He had stopped for a smoke break and would be heading home in a few hours, when the sun would begin to rise and melt the frozen city.

Then he heard the faint echo of a grappling gun being fired. Jason sighed, his visible breath mingling with the cigarette smoke as they both floated away. He was hoping to be left alone tonight.

Ever since the 'portrait incident' nearly a week ago, Dick and Tim wouldn't leave him alone. Bruce was actually staying away oddly enough. If Jason was being truthful, the two of them constantly coming around was starting to get a little annoying. He didn't want their pity, if they cared so much why hadn't they thought to include him in the first place?

In the end, Jason was over that. Yeah it still hurt, but it was more of a dull ache now. He would simply bury it and store it away in his collection of shitty memories. Leaving him out of the portrait wasn't the worst thing Bruce had done to him. It hurt, but it was nothing compared to Ethiopia. Jason wasn't sure if he would ever fully get over that.

A moment later, Red Robin landed a few feet behind Jason, doing a tuck and roll in the process. At least it was the member of the bat-clan that Jason found the least annoying. Well, the kid had been a little more annoying lately, seeing as he wouldn't leave him alone.

"What are you doing here, Replacement, this isn't your usual patrol route." Jason spoke with hints of annoyance in his voice, taking another puff from his cigarette.

"Everything's pretty quiet on my side of town. Thought I'd drop by, see if you were all good." Tim replied, walking over and taking a seat next to Jason.

"For the last time, I'm fine. Just like the other dozen times you've asked me this week." Jason grumbled.

"Just checking." Tim answered.

"Well stop it, stop acting like some worried mother hen, that's Dickhead's act. I'm fine. Drop it." Jason snapped.

That was partly a lie, at least that last part. No matter how much Jason hated it, a part of him still wasn't fine. A part of him was still hurt from being was left out. He hated that feeling. Hated that they had ability to hurt him with something so simple.

"Okay, sorry." Tim raised his hands defensively.

Jason brought his cigarette to his lips and breathed in the nicotine.

"So what are you doing here, surely you didn't come all this way just to annoy me." Jason stated wryly.

"I always come to annoy you. But your right, I actually have some information I thought you might be interested in." Tim replied.


"There's a Wayne Gala this Saturday." Tim began.

"Yeah. That interests me why?" Jason muttered

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