Jack Johnson imagine for Kiki

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It was the day of a huge competition for you. You are a percussionist and the best one on your line too so your captain also known as a section leader which means you have to make sure everyone is ready and is warmed up. So you help get everything ready make sure everyone has their instrument and gets on the bus. You sit next to your best friend (Y/F/N). You and (Y/F/N) are talking about how excited you are when your phone started to ring. You didn't bother looking at it cause there was no need. "Hello", you said. "Hi babe". It was you boyfriend Jack. "Hey Jack how's it going?",you asked. "Good I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" Jack asked from the other line. "No I can't remember I have a big performance today." You said. "Oh yeah I forgot we'll I hope you do amazing your already amazing to me love you so much beautiful bye!!!" He said. "Aww thank you so much love you too" you replied. When you all got there you helped get everyone set up and then warmed up your line. Once you were done you all got ready to head over to the competition area. You were all so nervous. You especially were about to throw up out of nerves you had to go to the bathroom. People came in after to make sure you were all right but all you could think about was the solo you had in the very beginning. You were just about to go on there was one school ahead of you and people said you had to go out. You were on the verge of tears when all of a sudden you hear your name coming from afar. You look around wondering who it is and Jack comes jogging over to you seeing that your upset. "Jack what are you doing here?" You asked. "I came to surprise you for you show and cheer you on,we all did" He said gesturing behind him. You look back and see all the guys there waving at you. "You guys are the best thank you so much" You said with joy in your voice hugging Jack. You give him a kiss and then run over to go perform. You nailed your solo and had the best performance of your life. Once you were done you all went in the back congratulating each other than walked back to go put your instruments away. Once you got there you saw Jack standing there with his arms wide open. He told you how amazing you did and how proud he was of you. You walked back in to the venue and watched other schools while you waited for awards to begin. When it started you and the other section leader had to go accept the award. They announced all theses categories and different kinds of awards and it finally came to your division they didn't call your name for anything so you didn't think you got placed at all when at the very end they announced the sweepstakes award which is the best performance out of all of them in all divisions and your school won. You had to keep a straight face and accept you award but once you were done you screamed and all of your line came over and celebrated with you! You all got a couple of dirty looks from rival schools but you didn't care like your coach always says don't show them by telling them show them by performance and in that day you sure as heck did! Jack came running up to you and lifted you up and spun you around he kissed you passionately with everyone cheering and the guys doing wolf whistles in the back but you couldn't care you got what you wanted the perfect moment!!!

Okay guys that's that I really hop you like it and I'm so sorry I haven't been updating I really hope you all will forgive me!!! Well the Jack Gilinsky imagine will be done soon I absoutley promise!!! So I want to thank you guys for all your support and reads you are all amazing and if any of you want to talk and just have a conversation just message me cause I want to get to know you guys and the question of this imagine is...
Q: Where are you guys from?
A: I am from California

so if any of you guys are message me and maybe we can like hang out or something idk but I hope you all having a great Christmas love you all so much!!! Byeee!!!

Justine and Anmoljot 😘❤😜

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