Nash imagine for Cynthia part 2

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Warning in this imagine self harm is mentioned if you are sensitive to this subject please do not read on!

1 month later

Nash's pov

It's been a month since I've seen Cynthia. I haven't gone anywhere I haven't seen anyone. I've been in my room ever since that day. The guys have called me. But I haven't answered. I feel even worst today I need the only thing that will make it better. My RAZOR. I go into the bathroom and get it from my drawer. I put it against my wrist and make three cuts. ONE. TWO. THREE. One cut for each of the years we were together. I clean up the cuts and put my razor back in my drawer. I go back to my bed and just lay there. I hear a knock on the door. It's probably just my mom or Hayes trying to get me to eat. Assuming it is I yell "go away I'm not hungry". But there's still knocking so I go answer it and see something more like someone who made my heart jump. Hi Nash

Cynthia's pov

It's been a month since I broke up with Nash. I miss him a lot. I've tried to forget him. But every time a guy comes close to me I think of Nash. My friends have tried to get me to go out with a guy but I can't get Nash out of my head. I'm at home right now in my room and I get a call. I look at my phone to see its Taylor.

Phone convo

T=Taylor C=Cynthia


T:hey Cynthia?

C:yeah is there something wrong?

T:yeah actually there's something wrong with Nash we're really worried we're wondering if you could come back and talk to him?

C:I don't know after what he did and I'm in Canada

T:yeah we know

C:how do you know and who's we?

T:Um your roommate told us and by us I mean me and all the guys

After he said that I could hear a bunch of hii Cynthia's.

C:hi guys how are you?

Guys:we're good are you gonna come back we miss you

C:I don't know and I miss you guys too

Guys:please please please

C:okay ill be there soon


C:haha bye guys


After the conversation I get all my stuffed packed up and went to go tell my parents they said that they understand and they allowed me to go. Then I called my roommate and she said that she missed me and it was perfectly fine for me to come back. I drove to the airport. When I got there I booked my flight. Then it was time for me to board the plane. It was a four hour flight so I plugged in my headphones and dozed off. When I woke up it was time to get off the plane. When I got off the airplane I saw a bunch of amazing guys waiting for me. When they saw me they ran towards me and I started running too.

C:I missed you guys

Cameron: we missed you too but don't you think we should get to Nash

Cynthia:yeah your right lets go

When we got to Nash's house I get out of the car say hi to Hayes and Skylynn and head straight to Nash's room. When I get there I knock on the door I heard him yell something but I didn't understand. So I knocked again I could hear footsteps then he opened the door.

Cynthia: hi nash

Nash:hi Cynthia I missed you

Cynthia:I missed you too

I looked down and when I did I saw cuts on his wrists. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

Cynthia: Nash what's that on your wrist?

Nash:oh it's nothing

I lifted up his arm and saw them I kissed every single one of them. When I got to the last three I could tell there were fresh so I kissed them lightly.

Cynthia: promise me you'll never do this again

By this time I was hugging him and full on crying.

Nash:as long as your here I promise not too

Cynthia:please take me back

Nash: of course I missed you so much

Cynthia:I missed you more!!!

We kissed its been so long I've missed his kiss!!

Cynthia: I love you

Nash:I love you more

Ok thats it I really hoped you like that Cynthia!!! Thanks so much for all the support and happy early birthday!!! Co writer is still open. I would really appreciate some feedback!!!Also if any of you feel any depression or feel like giving up know that suicide or self harm is not the answer if you need someone to talk to know i am here for you all no matter what!! I think thats all thanks guys bye!!!


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