Chapter 6

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(IMPORTANCE! RIGHT HERE! This chapter is more violent in nature. There will be scenes that contain blood. If you aren't ok with this DON'T READ! If you want to read, but not the bloody parts, look for the beginning and end markings! You've been warned.)

It had been a long week of nothing but work. Your parents and sister had come home and not a moment to soon. Your sister bringing back the news that she was getting married. It had been a shock at first, but slowly it faded into joy for you and your parents. You had to help her get her things packed up to move out of the house. She was going to live with her fiance, Tanner. You'd have the house to yourself! Most of the time at least. The moving van was there at the end of the week. You had offered to drive some of her things over since she had a lot of things to move. The entire basement was actually her stuff. 

"Ok, you have the address?"


"All the boxes?"


"Full tank of gas?"

"As full as it can be."


"Of course."

"Money for food on the way? It's a long drive." Jackie said. You rolled your eyes.

"Do you want to drive it yourself or what!?" You said, annoyed. She frowned angrily.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop. It's just nerve wracking. I've never moved before." She said. You smiled and sighed.

"Trust me, nothing will happen." You replied.

"Well I'm still ridding with you. I want someone that isn't a stranger to talk to." Jackie said. 

"I'm gonna drive for that reason." Your dad said. You were relieved that you were all going together. The four of you climbed in. You lead the way out of the driveway and soon out of town. You and Jackie played some old games that you had done on long road trips when you were kids. The a-z game was first. You were on L and she was on Q. After Jackie won that one you asked how much longer it would take.

"About another hour." Your mom replied. You were on a major highway. You suddenly got a text from Sans. You checked it.

"Who's texting you?" Jackie asked.

"My monster friend, Sans."

"You mean the skeleton?" Your mom asked.


"What's he want?" Jackie asked.

"Well, that's what I'm finding out." You replied. You looked at the text. 

'heya, i came by your place to see if you wanted to come with us to the park. where are you?' It read. You grinned.

"Aww he wanted to know where I went." You said. Jackie smirked at you.

"(Y/N)'s got a boyfriend!" She said. You glared at her.

"And you've got an engagement ring." You snorted. She huffed.

"Fine, you win that round." You nodded, satisfied.

'I'm going with my sister and the rest of the fam to move her stuff to her fiance's house. I'm on the road again! Oh~ I'm on the road again!' You joked, including a clever reference. 

'XD' Sans replied.

(This one isn't mine, but it's good so I'd thought I'd use it. Don't credit me for this joke!)

He texted back. 'hey I got some jokes for you!' He said.

'Ok, bring it on!' You replied.

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