Chapter 20

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Sans' POV

He walked out of his room. He saw Papyrus watching tv. wait what? why is Pap back? Sans wondered.

"hey Pap, uh, you need something?" No reply. "Pap?" Sans questioned. He tried to shake Papyrus to get his attention, but his hand went right through him. what the....oh, dreaming. Sans realized. Then there was a knock at the door. Papyrus got up and went to get it. Sans watched, curiosity getting the better of him. Papyrus opened the door and Sans froze.

"HELLO JACKIE! DO YOU NEED ANYTHI-" Jacklen didn't let him finish. She attacked Papyrus. He froze in shock. Sans felt his heart skip a beat. Within seconds Papyrus was gone. Sans could only stare. no no no no no! i..i can't...i can't lose you again! Sans screamed to himself. Jacklen grinned.

"Oh, does that hurt?" She asked. He looked up at her. She could see him? Jacklen grinned even wider. "How about this one Sans?" She asked. The room changed. They were back in the room were she had tried to kill him before. Sans felt his heart drop like a rock. 

"of all the chose this one."

"Oh, but I have a surprise for you this time." She sneered and stepped to the side.  Sans looked at the floor. He was horrified. "She didn't want my protection, so I gave her my rage." Jacklen hissed. Sans stared in shock and horror. Jacklen had killed her. (Y/N) was there, back to him on the floor. She laid in a pool of her own blood. The side of her that touched the floor was soaked in red. Sans ran over and held her up. There were four cuts across her chest and stab wounds in her arms. Sans felt cold, he felt numb. Then the lifeless feeling was replaced by something very powerful, hatred. Sans grinned losing all sanity. Jacklen laughed. "Ah, hahahaha! So I've gotten your attention have I?" Sans knew that his eyes were probably black. He got up, leaving (Y/N)'s body in the pool of blood.

"you've gotten my attention alright brat. you know, it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming. it's on days like these, people like you, S H O U L D  B E  B U R N I N G  I N  H E L L." Sans hissed and attacked. Jacklen was fast on her feet. Her 50 HP, no not HP, her 50 LV dropped to 47. It wasn't going to be easy. The room turned into a battle area. Jacklen attacked him back with her knife. Sans felt this to be extremely familiar. He dodged and grabbed her soul, turning it blue. It was just then Sans realized, she had no soul color. It was dim grey. a grey soul, i expected nothing less from you Jacklen. Sans thought. Sans smashed her into the ground, the floor breaking beneath her from the impact. She shrieked in pain. 47 to 41. A bit more damage that time. If Sans could keep this up he'd win easily. Jacklen got up and got ready. She had used her turn to check him. Sans didn't care. She hadn't learned anything new. He attacked. Jacklen was good at platforming. She easily leaped over the bones beneath her. ok so i shouldn't give her that. Sans noted. He instead did his Gaster blasters. Jacklen barely kept herself from getting burned. Sans gave her blue and white bones together. She narrowly dodged them. He gave her his big blasters. She dodged and attacked. He move to the side and slammed her into the ground. She wheezed, the breath knocked out of her body. She got back up and swung at him three times. Sans ducked, move to the left, and then jumped back. He got his blasters out again. Jacklen dodged them. She was getting better. Sans wasn't having it. Sans fired one of his blasters early. Jacklen was consumed within it. 

"AAHH!" She screamed in pain. Sans felt pleasure. She deserved it. 41 to 1. He walked up to her, bones poised to finish it off. "W-wait! Please!" She cried. Sans felt anger rise within himself. 

"tell me, why should i SPARE you brat?" He growled, grinning. Jacklen flinched. 

"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to help her! I lived with the guilt of lying to her for years! I was so ashamed when I found out she hated me because of it. I acted out of anger and hurt. I was wrong! I admit that! Please! Please don't hurt me..." She sobbed. Sans hesitated. He understood wanting to protect family. He sighed. This was her last chance. 

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