Chapter 7

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You'd woken up without Sans next to you. You were confused. Sans never passed up on the snooze opportunities. You got out of his bed and went downstairs. You smelled food. Was Papyrus back? You went into the kitchen and froze. Sans had prepared lunch. You'd slept in for a while so it was lunch time. You couldn't believe he'd done this for you. He noticed you were there.

"oh! heya sugar! i didn't think you'd be up yet. welp, i'm nearly finished so take a seat!" He said. He seemed happy, too happy. You sat down and he got the drinks. A chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a candy heart on top was set in front of you. He'd gotten a bottle of ketchup of course. You smiled.

"Sans, you didn't have to do this." You said.

"heh, i thought i'd give you a break." He said. You noticed he'd gotten some pizza for you. You smiled even bigger. (if you don't like pizza you choose)

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I never thought I'd ever have a friend like you." You said happily. He looked over from his ketchup. He smiled back.

"geez sugar. no need to go all sappy. i was glad to help." He said.

"It just, it's so nice of you to even take me in. Not many people would have." You said. He frowned.

"well, i will always give you a home if you need one." He said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sans went to get it. "ack!" You heard him yelp. You saw Tommy running around exploring like crazy. Jackie came in with Tigerlilly following her.

"Hi, sorry about that. Tommy wouldn't listen to the word 'stay'. He's usually good about that one." Jackie said. You laughed. In Sans' surprise he'd fallen over and Tommy was now sniffing his face and head butting him. Sans smiled.

"cute, he likes me." Sans said. Tommy leaped onto his chest and started 'punching' him, or pawing him. You always called it punching. Sans giggled. "w-what's he doing?" He snorted.

"He's punching you. It means he's happy with you." You replied as Tigerlilly stood on her hind legs, pawing the air for you attention. You picked her up. She purred loudly.

"so i guess we have pets now." Sans said. Jackie went to get everything the cats needed. She gave you the food and water bowls, a food bag, the brush, and since they liked walks for some odd reason, the leashes. Sans was now on the couch with Tommy laying on top of him.

"Alright, now I have some news." Jackie said. You listened. "There was a problem and now I can't get your stuff moved here. You're gonna have to get the things that will fit yourself, but luckily the storage unit is ready and all of those bigger things will be moved today." Jackie explained. You nodded, even though a feeling of dread hug over you. You didn't want to go back. Tigerlilly rubbed up against you and meowed. You smiled at her gratefully. Sans looked upset by this. He walked over after setting Tommy on the ground.

"Jackie, that's not a good idea." He said, angrily. You knew he was upset, but this seemed like a little much. Jackie sighed.

"Then you can go with her. They want your stuff out of there by tomorrow. Sorry, but it's the only way." She said. You nodded.

"It's fine. Just, go in, grab, get out." You said. Jackie nodded, smiling slightly. You waved as she left. Sans lead you back to the kitchen to eat. The cats rubbed up against the food bag. You fed them quick. You and Sans ate and then you went upstairs to get ready.

You put on a (f/c) shirt, and black leggings. You brushed your hair and teeth and then slid on a pair of white socks. You put on your boots and Sans was waiting for you outside. You took his hand and he teleported both of you there. You stared at your house. You didn't want to go inside, but you forced yourself to move. You and Sans went inside and you went straight to your room. You sighed as you spotted your work laying on the floor. The bed, the dresser, the desk, the night stands, they were all gone. You picked up your sketchpad. You flipped through the drawings. Most done here, right on the desk that was no longer present. This wasn't your room anymore. Honestly, it never really was. You spotted your laptop, your tablet, and your bluetooth speaker, all in a neat pile on the floor. You grabbed your tablet and typed in the password. You went to your music app and turned on the speaker. Sans watched you. You turned on a song. The song 'Story of My Life by One Direction' started to play. You got up and pushed all the things in the center of the room into the corners. You turned to Sans. He looked confused. You walked over and offered your hand.

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