Chapter 10

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(WARNING this chapter will contain violence, blood and mild language. Anyone not fit or against should skip or stop reading.)

"(Y/N)!" You heard Sans' terrified cry. You fell backwards. Nothing in your body seemed to listen. Sans caught you. You gazed at him unable to move your arms and legs.

"S...Sans? H-help...please..." You breathed weekly. Your clothes felt wet. They were turning red with blood. Sans looked up at the girl. His eye flamed. He set you down gently.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Undyne screamed.

"that's it you sick b. you're in for a bad time." Sans hissed voice and fists shaking in rage. Toriel left Frisk with Alphys and ran to help you. Sans lifted her into the air with one flick of the wrist and smashed her down with another. She screamed. Toriel had her hands over you trying to help you. Your vision was blurry. You only had one thought at the moment. What was going to happen to you? What was happening around you? You tried to find Sans but he was beyond your blurry vision. You strained to listen.

"Go ahead sicko! Kill me!" The girl said, smiling menacingly. "It won't change the fact that your little friend is dying. That bullet was made for souls! You can't help her. There is no cure!" She laughed, blood trickling down her lip. That just made Sans angrier. His blasters came out.

"burn in hell." He said. Then your heard the faint sound of sirens. Sans blasted her and you could barely make out that the skin on her leg was charred. You were starting to black out. It was getting harder to breath. 

"H-holy crap! What did you do?! My leg! It burns!" She shrieked in pain. 

"Forget it! The fuzz is coming! Run!" The presumed leader ordered. Sans lifted him into the air.

"leaving already?" He asked. Then the cops came in. Papyrus calmed Sans down a bit as the cops got the guns and took them away. There was an ambulance there too. Sans was by your side instantly. 

"I don't know what's happening to her!" Toriel said.

"sugar?" Sans asked. You could feel tears of pain running down your face.

"....Sans...." You breathed. He smiled.

"yeah, that's it, come on." He said. You were terrified.

"...I'" You said, crying. You wanted nothing else but to stay. He frowned, his eyes wide and shimmering with terror. Your felt something splash onto your cheek. Sans was crying too. 

"it's ok, i'm here alright? you're gonna be fine sugar." He said, trying to smile. His smile shook with fear and grief. You could tell he wasn't sure that his own words were true. He was just as scared as you. You could feel yourself slipping away. You raised a hand slowly and put it on his cheek. He froze in disbelief.

"I' there..." You said. His eyes went black.

"no..." He said voice wavering. You smiled slightly.

"It's ok Sans. Don't be afraid." You whispered. It was suddenly easy to talk to him. You knew you had to use your breath to speak to him and him alone.

"no, p-please." He whimpered. "i can't lose you." 

"I'm sorry....." 

"(Y/N) please."

"Heh, well....maybe this is the present god wanted to give." You said trying to joke. Sans looked stunned.

"this isn't a dam joke!" He cried, with a hint of anger in his voice, but mostly with terror and emotional agony. He gently took your hand that was on his cheek bone. You felt his grip gently tighten around it.

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