Chapter 22

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His what? You thought stunned. 

"S-Sans, I need to see that machine." Alphys said. Sans looked annoyed, but agreed. He teleported you all there. Alphys went straight to the machine. Sans opened a drawer and took out a picture. You went over and looked at it with him. It was him and Papyrus with another skeleton. They were kids and the third was the adult. You looked at him. There was hurt in his eyes. You frowned.

"What happened?" You asked.

"nobody remembers him except me. i was there when it happened. the core had almost melted and Gaster...wasn't able to fix it in time. i tried to make him let me in, but he used his own attacks to block the entrance. the last thing he said to me was 'don't forget'." Sans said. You stared at him. His eyes didn't leave the picture.

"That's all you have left. Isn't it?"

"....yeah...." Sans replied.

"I'm sor-"

"but i've never given up." Sans cut you off. He turned to the machine. "this is my only chance of bringing him back. i haven't stopped trying. i won't stop trying." Sans said. You wondered if your magic could help. You remembered a spell Donnie had taught you. "This spell is hard to do, but I bet you can do it. It's an artifact resurrection spell. It can fix anything. Now watch me." You remembered him saying.

"I have an idea." You stated. They looked at you. Sans' eyes narrowed in confusion. "Trust me. I can do this." You said. He sighed.

"guess i've got nothing to lose." He said. You stepped up to the machine. Your ears flattened as you focused on the spell.

"Stand back." You ordered. You got to work. Magic started flowing through your body. You harnessed it in your hands aiming them towards the machine. It glowed as tiny sparks started surrounding the machine. Soon the room lit up with a bright white flash that lasted a few seconds. The machine started up but then it stopped. You growled in frustration. Sans sighed.

"Shoot. I'll have to keep practicing before I can get it right." You said.

"welp, you got something out of it. it was working for a split second so you must've been on the right track." You nodded. You all left and you swore you were going to do this.

A week later you tried again. Sans watched you. Your body shook with effort. Gathering this much magic wasn't easy. 

"Grrr...." You growled forcing yourself to keep going. Then your magic sparked out and you fell backwards from the force. Sans gasped and hurried over.

"you ok sugar?" He asked.

"Ugh, no. I smacked my head and it still didn't work. Why isn't this enough?!" You said frustrated.

"don't bring yourself down. this isn't easy for you and that's understandable. this isn't a cake walk so don't push so hard for something that wasn't your burden in the first place." You got up and stared at the machine.

"It's my burden now and I'm not letting anyone stay trapped forever. I will get this right!" You said and left to go practice some more, a lot more.

Another week passed and you tried again. This time the backfire was powerful enough to draw blood. Sans started to get worried. You healed yourself.

"stop this! you're going to push yourself until you get yourself killed!" He said worriedly.

"I'm fine. I just need to keep trying. Ugh, this training is hard. I'm not stopping though." You said and tried again. You blasted yourself again and bled even more.

"(Y/N) that's enough!" Sans yelled. You stared at him shocked. You healed quick and got back up. "i'm not letting you keep trying to help me! you're pushing way to hard and this was never your job! go upstairs now! you need rest and if you're not in bed by the time i get there i'll stay there holding you down until you do get to sleep!" He shouted. You took a step back. You'd never seen him like this before. Scared of what he'd do if you didn't you hurried out and to your room. You scrambled into bed and laid there in silent fear. Sans had yelled at you for trying to help. You understood his worry, but that was different. You fell asleep quickly, dreaming of nothing.

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