Episode 11

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Bat's team eases up from the edge of the forest toward the imperial facility.

"Rocket." Bat says and a trooper hands a smart rocket to another who takes aim.

"How many we got?" Bat asks.

"We've got 2 launchers and 8 shells." Torn-Ek tells Bat as he holds one up.

"Pass it to me." Bat says and the second smart rocket is handed to Bat and he quickly loads it.

"What're we hitting?" The other soldier with the rocket asks.

"Watch towers." Bat says and takes aim at the one in the left corner on the side closest to them and the trooper aims at the one on the right.

They fire and they lower the launchers and quickly drop the other rockets as they watch the first 2 strike their targets and watch them crumble down.

"Whooo!" The others cheer and Bat and the soldier takes aim again at the towers on the other side of the base.

The fire and lower their launchers again to reload and watch the other 2 towers crumble as the 2 AT-DP walkers start walking out.

"Incoming!" A soldier points toward the walkers as they open fire on the rebel positions.

The blaster bolts fly overhead and Bat fires his rocket. It hits the walker in the leg and it topples onto its side. The other Walker shoots the soldier with the other launcher down and another Pau'an picks up the dropped launcher and fires. The walker's head explodes and the team cheers.

"Let's go!" Bat yells and slings the rocket onto his back and grabs his A280 and they start running toward the base.

"Patrol!" Torn-Ek yells and points toward the side.

5 Stormtroopers were running toward the rebels who open fire on them. 3 troopers fell immediately before returning fire. Bat and another soldier shoot down the last 2 and move toward the base entrance. The 2 guards raise their blasters but 2 of the Pau'ans shoot them down.

"Stay out here!" Bat orders 2 of his men and they nod as the rest run inside.

"Where to?" Torn-Ek asks.

"Command center!" Bat yells and points down the hall.

3 Stormtroopers were turning the corner and running toward them. Bat shoots the leader down and a soldier gets the other 2.

"Nice shooting." Bat tells him.

"Thanks." He says.

"There's the command center!" A soldier points ahead before a blaster bolt cuts him down.

2 Stormtroopers stood guard and opened fire on the rebels. Torn-Ek shoots the first one and he collapses against the wall. Another soldier gets the second one and he topples over. They run over toward the door and try to open it.

"It's locked!" Torn-Ek yells.

"Wait. I have an idea." Bat says.

The other soldier with the rocket launcher stands at the end of the hall with the others beside him and he takes aim at the door.

"Back blast clear!" Another yells and the soldier fires.

The rocket soars down the hall and smashes through the door, blasting it apart.

"Hell yes!" Bat yells and stands up.

They all run down the hall toward the command center and run inside. 4 Stormtroopers were killed with an officer and another 6 officers were injured. Bat looks around and his team raises their rifles at the technicians and other officers who were working at terminals. Torn-Ek looks at Bat who nods to him. He nods to the soldiers and they open fire on the technicians and officers, gunning them down. Their lifeless bodies filled with blaster bolts hit the ground. Bat looks down at a wounded commander.

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