Episode 21

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An imperial shuttle heads down toward an imperial facility on the planet Ando in a forested area. A small supply station was there where they'd lost contact with the team stationed there. In the shuttle sat a Stormtrooper with a white pauldron, signifying his rank of Lieutenant. He sat beside another trooper with a black pauldron signifying the rank of Sergeant. The other 18 Stormtroopers wore unmarked armor. They were all accompanied by an imperial officer, a Lieutenant named Derik. He unholsters his SE-14C as the shuttle lands and he looks at the team.

"Alright. Let's move." Derik says and they start down the ramp.

One of the pilots turns.

"Have fun down there!" He yells to them.

"Haha. We'll see you later!" A trooper tells the pilot who was chuckling as he turns back toward the controls.

Derik motions 4 Stormtroopers to stay with the ship and they nod as they take their seats as the rest of the squad walks down the ramp onto the slippery landing pad from the constant rain. He turns and motions the shuttle to leave. It lifts up and flies back off toward the Light Cruiser above the planet. The squad looks around as the rain pelts their armor and soaks their body gloves.

"Alright! Spread out! 2 teams! Keep your eyes peeled!" Derik orders.

"Yes sir. You heard him." The Stormtrooper lieutenant says.

7 troops follow Derik toward the facility's doors and the Stormtrooper lieutenant and Sergeant take the other 4 troops on a sweep around the outside of the base.

"Sir, the shuttles are still here. They don't seem to have any sign of any damage." A trooper tells the lieutenant.

"Good eye, Dim. TK-8751, sweep the shuttles for explosives." The lieutenant orders the sergeant.

"Yes sir." TK-8751 says and he and another trooper start scanning the 2 shuttles.

"That's a negative, sir." TK-8751 says.

"Well. Let's keep moving." The lieutenant orders.

"TK-0747, this is Derik. Do you read?" Derik asks.

"We read, yes sir?" The lieutenant asks as he steps in a mud puddle and looks around.

"We have yet to find anything but a few broken windows, knocked over crates, and blast marks all around the halls. No bodies." Derik says.

"Copy that. There's no bodies out here and no sign of a fight but these 2 shuttles are in perfect condition. Not even rigged with explosives." TK-0747 says.

"Copy that. Stay alert." Derik says.

"Rog'." TK-0747 says and they resume walking.

He gripped his EE-3 tightly and they head toward a muddy path that lead to the entrance on the other side of the facility. He takes a step into a puddle past a large bush and he stops and slowly turns around as he hears a rapid beeping.

"Ru-!" He starts before an explosion blasts a hole in the ground and launches him flying back with his squad.

He hits a tree and slides down and rolls down the small hill and come to a rest in a large puddle. The sergeant was rubbing his head as he slowly looks around. He landed on the landing pad and slid across the slippery platform. He grunts and his head falls to the side. 3 of the other 4 troops in the team were killed by the blast. Dim was laying in a deep mud puddle with the face of his helmet barely poking through. Blood mixed with the mud as he groans and slowly looks down where his leg once was but was now replaced with a bloody mess littered with debris and shattered bone. He starts screaming after seeing this and flips onto his chest and tries to crawl out of the puddle. TK-8751 slowly stands up and looks over at Dim and runs over. He gets on his communicator.

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