꧁ Prologue ✿ ꧂

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Four years have passed after frisk broke the barrier. She became the ambassador of monsters and she became quite busy.

Monsters have lived alongside the humans. Some people were open and welcomed the monsters, but some were still disturbed by it.

The monsters have adapted to the human's way of life. Though, the monsters still had some diffuculty.

Papyrus and Sans now lived in an apartment on the surface. The interior of their apartment looked exactly like the one from Snowdin. Papyrus missed their old home from before, so he decided to make an exact replica of the interior.

The others lived in that same apartment building where the skelebros lived as well. Living in the same apartment building could mean being close friends with one another, but it was the exact opposite in their case.

The Monsters weren't as close as before. They would greet each other if they met, but they wouldn't start chatting casually like before. It was sad and different. If only something would occur that would cause them to revert back to how friendly they all were before.

It would be nice to experience being friends again.

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Hey! So this is my first ever story in here, so I really appreciate you guys reading this! hope you guys enjoyed it ^^

This part of the story was rewritten

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