4: Could it be?

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Sans's POV

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

I quickly turned to where I heard the voice. I saw a female figure, she was short but not that short, she wore a sweater which composed of two colors, blue and magenta.

Blue colored sweater with magenta colored stripes sewn on it...

Could it be? Is it she?

I took a glance on her face, and there I saw...

The brunette from before the barrier broke.

It was her...

The Ambassador of Monsters


Frisk's POV

As I was running away from the group of paparazzis, since they just wouldn't leave me alone.

Wherever I go, they follow. They would never respect the privacy I wanted.

I arrived at an unknown park that I've never been to before, until I realized that I've lost them.

I was about to head back, until I saw the sky, it was beautiful.

Gazing upon the sky, it gives me strong determination.

I then decided to take a closer view of it. Unknowingly, I walked towards a nearby bench, a bench which was occupied by someone. I had no choice but to just stand beside the bench.

I've always thought the sky looked amazing. When I was in the underground before, I told many monsters about the sky, but they didn't give that much attention to it. Sans, in the other hand, was always there by my back and he was always willing to listen to whatever I say, but I wonder where in the world he could be by now.

I always wanted to know what other people thought about the sky. Without thinking, I suddenly asked the stranger who sat on the bench.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked with a smile.

From my side, I noticed that the stranger was staring at me, so I decided to face him as well.

Blue colored jacket.

Pinkish Fluffy pair of slippers.

A skeleton with a confused look plastered on his face.

Is it...


It was him...

That humerus skeleton.


Her identity was revealed! It was no other than the beloved human that we all love, Frisk<3. So they were surprised to see each other, are they going to walk out on each other? What'll happen in the park? Why am I asking so many questions? QuQ

Catch it at the next Chapter! And TYSM for reading this part of the story^^ Hope to see ya' in Wonderland jk xD

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