8: Weird Dreams

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Frisk's POV



I voice so soothing and calming at the same time called out my name.

"Frisk, where are you?"

The voice called out once more, walking in the dark and empty hallway, I quickly followed the sound of the voice.

"Kiddo, can you here me? Where are you?"


Shivers were brought unto my spine, feeling the cold air hit my legs.

"S-sans? I-I'm here."

A blue aura surrounded my surroundings. It felt warmer, it felt as if I wasn't alone any longer.

Audible footsteps were heard, the sound echoing through the empty hallway.


I called out, but no further reply was heard.


I once again called out hoping for a reply.


I called out desperately needing help, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know what was ahead of me until...


I took a glance over the voice that called out. Sans.

A rushing skeleton was running towards me, worriness filled his eye sockets.

"Sans" I mutter softly until I dropped to the ground. My legs were numb, I couldn't feel anything.

"Frisk!!!" I heard sans call out my name.

"Frisk!!!" I heard him call once more.

Bony hands were wrapped around me pulling me into a deep embrace.

I felt my eyes grow drowsy, I closed my eyes while the gushing cold air hits my face.

"Frisk!!!" Sans called out one last time until I blacked out.

I opened my eyes once again, and there I was on top of a mountain, specifically Mt. Ebott.

"Hey, kiddo mornin' "

I took a glance over where the voice was coming from, and spotted a familiar skeleton sitting on a log below a tree. He moved aside and patted the space on the log, motioning me to sit beside him.

I walked towards him and took a sit on the log.

"Soo... how was your sleep kiddo?" He started.

"It was fine, I guess"

"Heh, you sure kiddo? I saw you tossing and turning around and mumblin' a few words."

"W-what!? W-wait. S-sans you watch me sleep!?" I asked with a shade of pink dusted on my cheeks.

"Well who wouldn't kiddo? You're really cute when you sleep" Sans said, I swear I saw a tint of blue on his face.

I blushed madly and hid my face with my hands.


I felt two bony hands remove mine's from my face.

"Don't cover your face like that, you look cute when you blush in all honesty"

"S-SANS!!!" I screamed embarassly, I felt my face heat up more than ever.

Sans chuckled and faced in front.

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