7: To The Mall!

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Frisk's POV

It was one in the afternoon, Flowey and I finished eating our lunch, therefore we decided to take a break from all the non-sense.

As I was scrolling through my phone, it rang loudly making me drop it in the process.

"Nice going frisk." Flowey snickered

I swear that flower could get on my nerves from time to time.

"Whatever" I replied picking my phone from the cold wooden floor.

It was a phone call from Undyne. I then decided to answer the call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Frisk!" Undyne shouted through the phone.

"What's the matter? Why'd you call"

"Well punk, you know that you'll be leaving sooner or later, so I decided to go to the mall before we head to the eat out"

"Sure Undyne, but what would you want to do in the mall?"

"Oh you'll see Frisk, oh! And Alphys and Mettaton are coming too, just consider it as a girl's hang out? So, you coming"

"Sure, anything for my friends." I replied knowing that they are all doing this for me.

"Great!! I'll pick you up after 30 minutes or so. See ya'"

"Mhm, bye!" I replied while ending the call in the process.

I sighed, remembering all the things I've been through, the friendships I've made, the childish quarrels I've encountered, and maybe even the love that I've found.

"So Frisk, heading to the mall?" The flower spoke up, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah" I quickly replied facing him.

Time Skip brought to you by a sadistic weed

I sat up quietly from my bed, and glanced at the clock from time to time.

And as if on cue, the doorbell rang making me jump off the bed and running towards a nearby window.

I looked outside and saw Undyne and the rest of the gang.

I took my stuff and made sure I brought enough money to buy stuff.

"Bye Flowey, I'm going! See ya later." I said quite quickly. Flowey just nodded in response.

I walked down the stairs and arrived at the living room seeing everyone else there, it looked like they were just waiting for me.

I sighed and spoke up "Hey guys!"

"Hello Darling" Mettaton spoke up and greeted.

"H-Hi Frisk!" Alphys greeted as well.

"Welp, you ready to go punk?" Undyne asked which is later on followed by a wink.

"Yes, ready as I'll ever be" I replied.

They stood up from their seats and walk towards the door.

"Bye Tori! We're going" Undyne said.

"Bye Mom!!!" I came up to her and gave her a hug.

"Goodbye everyone, be careful alright" she replied being as caring as ever.

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