3: Little Chat with the Fire Monster

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Sans's POV

After the little chat with Papyrus, I then decided to go to Grillby's, to process what just happened at home.

As I entered Grillby's, I noticed that more people were eventually eating or either chilling there than the usual, I wonder what's up.

I took my original seat by the counter which was near Grillby as well. I then ordered the usual, and told Grillbz to place it on my tab.

As my order came, I stared at it for quite a while, before I even started consuming it.

I sighed, something just doesn't feel right.

Grillby came near me, only to be separated by the counter that was between us. I faced Grillby and waited for what he was going to do.

"Sans?" Grillby called out.

"Yeah, What's up Grillbz?" I replied with a weak smile.

"Is something in your mind?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied, I perfectly know what he was talking about though.

"Usually you would either crack jokes, and be your humorous self but-"

"Ehem... correction..." I cut in on what he was saying, then continued. "I think what you meant was 'my humerus self'" I chuckled.

Grillbz stared at me blankly, then replied. "Yes, I've mistaken... heh.." He chuckled weirdly.

"Now, back to the question, are you alright? There's something up, isn't it?" Grillbz spoke.

I sighed, then decided to answer his questions. "Yeah, there is".

I told him everything, and he understood well. He gave me some advice, until it was time for me to leave. I thanked him, and decided to go.

As I was walking, I decided to visit the park. I sat on a nearby bench and gazed upon the sky. Gazing upon the sky filled me with endurance and determination.

I smiled to myself remembering how the kid and I used to hangout in the underground. The determination she has, filled me with determination as well.

I was recalling the memories I had in the past until I heard running foot steps approach, but I decided to ignore it until a voice spoke up and said,

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

So Sans went to visit Grillby's and had a little chat with our favorite fire monster ;) No? Ok. But what'll happen in the park? Who was that unknown person?

Catch it at the next Chapter! And TYSM for reading this part^^ I really appreciate it!

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