11: Fluttery Feelings

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Vert important Announcement below, Please don't read it yet... sorry in advance

"Sans, can you put me down now?" Frisk asked impatiently, resting her head on her free hand.

"Nope, not until we get there kid!"

Frisk groaned at the horrible nickname, "Stop calling me kid! Like, that was what? Four years ago!?"

Sans chuckled as he gently placed the small female down.

Honestly, Frisk didn't mind being carried around for another few minutes, it was actually kind of soothing. But she just couldn't take the embarrassment.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" Frisk pouted, as she placed two hands on top of her waist.

The short skeleton chuckled once again, "It's just, because..." He started, in between laughs.

"Come on, spit it out!" The female replied with an annoyed look on her face.

"It's because, you just look so... so... humerus!!" He stated, and bursted out laughing.

"Stop it! It's not funny." Frisk pouted, crossing her arms over her chest like a five year old.

Sans was always the one to tease people. It was mostly for fun, but this time Frisk felt embarrassed, though it was pretty funny.

Sans took a step closer, bringing his slender phalanges on her chin.

"Actually... yeah... it was pretty funny." He chuckled, as their eyes locked.

They were inches apart from each other. His warm breath caressing her upper lip.

"S-sans..." Frisk softly squeaked.

She didn't know what was coming. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. She froze, as her cheeks dusted a dark shade of red. 'Is he going to kiss me!?' Frisk thought to herself, 'Should I just lean in?'

A smile formed on Sans' face, as he let out a low chuckle.

"You're so cute kid!" He bursted out laughing, as he placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair.

Frisk let out a low growl, as her cheeks were still heated. She didn't know if she were to hate the skeleton or to laugh it all out. She felt really flustered.

"Sans, you jerk..." She pouted, crossing her arms over my chest. "You're the worst, I hate you!"

Sans chuckled, as he locked the small girl's head in between his elbow.

"Aw, but you love me kid..." He nudged his arm softly.

"S-shut up..."

Frisk couldn't take it anymore. She wanted him to stop. She didn't exactly knew what she felt about this certain skeleton. The two have been friends for years, but recently she felt flustered and her heart would race a bit faster than before when she was with him.

Sans laughed and pointed down the hill "Okay, okay... joking aside, let's get back down shall we?" he extended a hand for Frisk to take.

'What is he plotting?' Frisk thought to herself. A blushed formed on her cheeks as she looked away, ignoring Sans wasn't the best idea. He would continuously rile you up even more. But Frisk decided to do just that. Ignore him, until he eventually gets tired of talking.

"Kiddo... are you ignoring me?" He asked jokingly, resting his hand on top of his chest. "Ow, I'm hurt!"

Sans was enjoying every minute of this. He enjoyed seeing her all flustered and annoyed. In fact, he thought she looked cute.

"Hey... kid?" Sans questioned in a serious tone, as he placed a hand on top of the small female's shoulder.

Frisk shrugged the hand off her, and decided to walk away. 'Yes, just ignore him Frisk! It'll all be over soon...' Frisk thought to herself, as a small smile formed on her lips.

Sans didn't like this at all, what did he do wrong? He thought to himself. 'Maybe she's just tired... or maybe she's really ignoring me!' Sans snapped out of his thoughts and continued to run to Frisk who was already a few meters away from him. As he got closer and closer to where Frisk was at, he quickly pulled her towards him and carried her bridal style. He continued running down the hill with Frisk in his embrace.

"Sans!? What are you doing!?" Frisk yelped, her plan didn't go as she expected. "Sans, put me down!!!"

Frisk couldn't stop the beating red blush forming across her face. Why is this happening to her. What did she do to deserve this?

Well, she did try to ignore the short skeleton in fact. But Frisk just felt so flushed, whenever she hangs near the skeleton or talk to him; something she has never felt before rises up to her stomach. A fluttery feeling fills her up. An unknown feeling she has never felt before towards anyone, except for this certain skeleton.


Short Chapter.

I'm so sorry everyone, but this will be the last chapter... I currently am not in the undertale fandom anymore, and I honestly have no idea on where this story is going.

I don't know if this is counted as discontinuing this book or ending it... I'm really sorry.

Thank you everyone for your support, Please forgive me...

Until then,

-6:29 pm

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