6: Naps and Pies

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Sans' POV

I awoke from the sound of metal hitting the floor.

*Cling Clang Crash*

With drowsy eyes, I decided to sleep again for a few minutes.




I opened one of my eye sockets lazily, hearing my name being called.


Hearing a loud shout outside my room, I stood up from my sleeping position wide eyed.

Papyrus entered the room, freaking out.

"Hey, Paps... You ok?" I chuckled nervously.


"Heh... let me take a guess..." I replied.


"Hey, chill bro... I'm just trying to make you laugh" I chuckled to myself.

"SANS, I- NEVERMIND..." Papyrus sighed facing his left. "SANS, JUST GET READY FOR THE EAT OUT LATER, IT'S ALL FOR THE HUMAN'S DEPARTURE..." He continued, while a single tear escaped from his eye sockets.

"Papyrus, you ok?" I asked while automatically rushing towards his side.

"I'M FINE, THANK YOU BROTHER." Papyrus replied with a crooked smile plastered on his face.

Papyrus then left the room, and I decided to check the time.

8:00 am

I can't believe Papyrus would remind me about the eat out, this early in the morning. Well, Papyrus was excited, so I wouldn't blame him.

I then decided to take a little 10 minute nap, having a little nap won't hurt wouldn't it?

Frisk's POV

"Frisk, I can't believe your going." The golden flower spoke up.

"I-I know... I can't believe myself either.. heh..." I replied scratching the back of my neck.

"Hey... I know we never got along with each other most of the times, but I'm really gonna miss you... y'know" Flowey stated with a crooked smile.

Flowey and I never got along most of the time. We would fight relentlessly over who gets the last portion of Tori's famous Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie. Though we don't get along that much, that sadistic flower has always been with me. Sometimes he gets annoying, yes, but he also gives me ideas for example, escaping from the paparazzis. I really enjoyed his company alot.

"Same here..." I replied snapping quickly from my thoughts.

Silence filled the room, until I stood up from my bed and walked towards the dresser.

"Hey, frisk..." Flowey called out.


"What are you even going to do when you leave?" He asked

"Well... to be honest, I don't really know-"

"Wait. Wait..." Flowey interrupted. "So your saying that you're going somewhere, but you don't even what your going to do. Am I right?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"Don't y'all know how to make a decision first, before actually making an action!?"

"Flowey, I know your freaking out about my departure, but I can make my own decisions myself"

"Heh... funny thing is, you haven't actually made a decision on what you're going to do" He rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I will, you just wait... chill your beans." I replied, signalling him to chill.

"I don't even-"

"Shhhh" I placed a finger above his mouth. "Everything's going to be just fine..." I cooed, while stroking his petals.

"Frisk, what are you doing..." Flowey asked while looking a bit annoyed.

I ignored him, and continued to pat him.

"Frisk, stop it"

I ignored him


I ignored him again


I ignored him once more

"Frisk! stop ignoring me..." Flowey yelled, growling softly.

I covered his face with my hand, and signaled him to keep quiet.

"Frisk, the hell!? Get your shitty hands off me!! "

I gasped, and removed my hand from his face.

"Flowey, you cursed!!! You know what that means..." I giggled with a smug grin on my face.

"What?" Flowey asked, until realizing the results.

"TOOOORIELLLLLL" I called out.

"Frisk, hey... please don't tell. You know I can't survive without Mom's pie." Flowey requested, while pouting.

Toriel noticed the numerous number of times cursing was heard in this house, so she decided to make a stop to it. She crafted out a major 'no cursing rule' in this house, breaking that specific rule will lead to major consequences, mainly having to loose their privileges to eat her famous Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie for a week. Torture, isn't it?

"Aw, but Flowey... a rule's a rule." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"Frisk, please!!! I'll do anything."

"Hmm... let me think about it." I replied placing a hand below my chin.

Footsteps can be heard climbing the stairs, and toriel's voice can be perceived.
"Yes? What is it my child?"

"Ohoho, who could that be?" I blurted out, glaring at flowey.

"Frisk!!! I'll do anything, just please don't tell!!!"

"Anything?" I reassured

"Well, not actually anything, but-"

"Oh, Tori-" I called once more.

"FRISK!!! Ok. Ok. I'll do ANYTHING you want." Flowey insisted.

"Good" I responded

Toriel came in the room, just in time, and stared at us.
"What is the matter, my child?" She asked, softness in her tone.

"Oh, nothing Mom." I replied with an innocent smile. Flowey just glared at me.

"Oh, alright, but why did you call?" She asked once again, though more confused than ever.

"Hmm? Oh! I just thought that maybe... just maybe, you would want to play a game with me and Flowey." I replied, smiling

"Oh, Thank you my child, but I am quite busy with untangling a loose thread in this garment, you see." She held up a purple clothing.

"Well, you could say that I'm all tied up" she added while, giggling at her own pun.


"Hmm? Ok. Ok. I'll stop, but if you need me I'll be down stairs" she replied, still having a big smile plastered on her face.

"Ok, thanks mom"

The lovable goat mom exited the room, and I was once again left with this flower.

"Thanks Frisk, but what do you even want me to do?" Flowey asked.

"You'll see" I replied, while still having that smug grin on my face.

"Frisk, you know that grin gives me shivers right?" Flowey stated

"Yeah, I know" I replied, having the same grin plastered on my face.

Woo!!! Updated at last!!! I'm so sorry for the long wait, but hey! 1000+ words!
And, the sadistic flower and lovable goat mom has arrived!!!

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Leave a vote or a comment if y'all want. C'ya!

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