10: This is Awkward

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Frisk's POV

I looked up over the astonished skeleton in front of me.

"Oh no,why me?...Ugh, stupid rock! Causing me to trip!!" I mumbled angrily.

Sans stood up and walked towards me. "Frisk, why are you here?"

"I-- Papyrus told me to-- " I bit my lower lip. "Papyrus was looking for you, so I decided to help him and--..."

"Gee, okay kid... you don't have to ramble alot..." He mutters quietly, but loud enough for me to hear, "You'll just exhaust your pretty self..."

My heart skipped a bit as he exclaimed that, "Excuse Me?" I asked.

'Why am I feeling like this? Why is he complementing me? I mean we're friends and all that, but...why do I feel something different when I'm with him?' I mentally slapped my self. 'Keep yourself together Frisk!'

"Huh? Nothing..." He crossed his arms over his chest.

'Gee, why is he just standing there?' I thought to myself, as I stared down my feet.

"Need help?" He extended a hand for me to reach.

I faced him and took his hand, as he helped pull me up.

The pull was eventually too strong, causing me to loose my balance. "Gah-!!" I yelped, as I shut my eyes, and waited for the hard impact.

But before realizing anything, I felt two hands grasp my waist as they pulled me closer.

"Heh... you really like saying 'Gah' don't you?" Sans chuckled.

I opened my eyes once again, but to be met with the white glowing orbs in his eye sockets.

"S-sans?" I muttered, before realizing the position we were in. Our distance was so close, I could feel the warmth of his breath hit my face.

I quickly blushed and pulled away, as I covered my face with both of my hands.

Sans chuckled, "Hey, you okay kid?"

"I-I'm fine... d-don't mind me!" I blushed, as I faced around and started marching back down the hill, leaving Sans behind.

'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' I scolded myself. 'Why are you such an Idiot-- ?! Frisk, why are you so stupid!?--'

But before I could finish scolding myself I felt my foot hit something hard, causing me to trip. (Probably that swaggy rock again (☞͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ )

Before I could realize anything, I noticed that my foot wasn't touching the ground anymore.

I faced my side, as I saw a blue aura surrounding me. "Huh-?" I glanced back at Sans, realizing that he saved me from the impact.

He gently placed me down, as the blue aura starts to vanish.

"Thanks," I replied, scratching the back of my head.

Sans teleported near me, but was eventually too near.

His cheek brushed mines, causing me to blush once more.

"Woops, to close... sorry." Sans stated, as he jerked backwards.

"Gee... you should be careful kid..."

"Yah, yah... whatever," I replied bluntly, my cheeks still flushed with a light shade of red.

"Frisk, c'mon... say it... 'I'll be careful next time' " He mouthed.

I grumbled, as I crossed my arms and looked to my side, avoiding his stare.

Sans tilted my chin with his hand, to make me look at him.

"Frisk..." He said, sternly but jokingly.

"Fine..." I sighed, with a frown still plastered on my face. "I'll be careful next time..."

"Aight! That's a good girl!!" He grinned, as he patted my head.

I flinched and pouted, "Stop it..."

He removed his hand from my head and chuckled. "Heheh, you're so cute."

"W-what!? I- I- I--" I blushed and stuttered quickly.

"Relax kid, that was just a complement..."

"A-a... a complement!?!?" I squealed, as my voice cracked.

"Yeah... it's true ain't it?" He smiled smugly.

I bit my lip, as I rubbed the side of my arm.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder, causing me to look up.

"C'mon kid, we'd better go..." He started, "the others might get worried."

I nodded and walked past him.

"Wait, Frisk--!"

I glanced back at him, "Yea?"

"I think it's better when you have a guide..." He sighed.

"What? Why!? I'm not blind..." I whined.

"Heh, it's because you might trip again."

'God... he's concerned about my safety!' I mentally fangirled. "Shut up, you!" I scolded myself.

"Huh? Frisk? Are you talking to me?" Sans tilted his head in a confused way.

"What!? I didn't say any-- " I then realized that I mentioned it out loudly.

I covered my mouth with both of my hands, and quickly looked away while a bright shade of red swept across my face.

"Heh, you okay kid?" He mumbled stepping closer to me.

Too embarassed to talk, I nodded in response. 'This day can't get any better can't it' I mentally thought to myself.

"C'mon Frisk, we'd better get going." said Sans, as he pointed a thumb down the hill.

I nodded a 'no' and quickly looked away once more.

"Aw, C'mon kid... they're probably looking for us right now..." He cooed, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"This wouldn't have happen if it wasn't for you... You, bone head..." I mumbled, quietly.

"Kid, I can hear you, y'know..." He sighed,

"Welp! whether you like it or not, I'm taking you back..." He exclaimed, pulling my waist towards him and placing me on top of his shoulder.

"Sans!! Put me down!! Put me down!!" I yelped, punching his back like a 5 year old who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.

"Frisk, c'mon... Stop squirming... you're making this harder for both of us."

"I can walk you know..." I stopped punching him, and crossed my arms over my chest while a small pout formed on my lips.

"Whatever, just be a good girl, and sit tight." He mumbled, gripping his hands over my waist harder.

My face was as red as Papyrus' scarf, not just because I was angry, but because of the embarrassment that loomed before me.

I sighed, covering my face, as Sans continued to carry me on top of his shoulder.

This gotta be the worst event of my life, I thought.

Heya!! Author Chan here, and I'm so so sorry for the delay of chapter 10 :'( I'm just super busy... Gomen!!

Anyhoo, I'll try to update asap when I can!! please forgive me ( ̄^ ̄゜)

Anyways!if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment!! lol I love reading ur beautiful comments ٩(。•ω•。)و

So, Thanks so much for reading!! hope to cya soon (ง ˙o˙)ว

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