Chapter 16: The Verdict

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Chapter 16: The Trial

    The morning of the 16th is a very stressful day for everyone. Matthew and I have to get up earlier than the rest of Crown City. I have been moved into a room with my brother, which I kind of like. A few days ago, we went shopping to buy formal wear for the trial. Matthew looks really nice in his black suit and red tie. I change into my new purple shirt and black dress pants.

    20 minutes later, Francine collects us from our room. We grab a bite to eat on the way to the courthouse.

   When we pull into the parking lot, I recognize the McDavidson’s vehicle immediately. We pull into a spot on the other side of the entrance. I back down the ramp and follow Matthew and Francine inside.

    As the trial starts, I see a lot of people in the courtroom that I don’t know. I can’t bear to even look in the general direction of Bryan and Gina, so I keep my focus straight forward.

   Most of the day goes fairly well, but then things change when I am called to testify. I roll up to the front and park my chair.

   “My name is Melissa Gilbert and I was in the care of the defendants following my father’s arrest. I would like to begin by reading a letter I received while at camp. This camp was paid for by the defendants, and at the time I was grateful, but as you’re about to find out, I would have been much more of a help if I had stayed behind. I received a letter before this one informing me that Matthew and I were being removed from the defendants’ care, but then when I received this one from Matthew, I knew things were falling apart.”

    I take the letter out of my pocket.

   “This is the letter I received from my brother Matthew. It reads: ‘Hey Melissa, I know your last letter wasn’t what you were expecting, but I have something to tell you. You’re not going to like it. Not only are we being removed from Gina and Bryan’s care, but it’s because of me.  Bryan’s a mean guy. He hurts me. I think he likes to see me cry. He pulls me around the house by my ears. He shaved my head when I was sleeping. He punches me. He cuts us all with everything he can find. His newfound obsession is with razorblades. Melissa I’m really scared. Yesterday he cut me on the back of the neck with a blade and just laughed it off. I don’t know what to do. I know you’re supposed to be having a good time at camp, but things are really falling apart without you. I want you home. Before Bryan does something more. He’s really not a nice person. He’s taking advantage of all of the girls. And that’s not the worst. He did something really bad to me. Something really really really evil. And don’t get me started on Gina. She’s a mean old witch too. She pushed Alia down the stairs yesterday. Both of them are being mean to all of us. I think Alia has a broken jaw or something, but Bryan and Gina won’t let anyone leave the house. Kaya and Olivia are both in pieces. Literally. Olivia has a broken nose from when Bryan ran her into the corner of the wall. We need you. Come back Melissa. Oh and by the way, hbsfkjfhgbjkgyvvjvutymbvgvghvg.’ I don’t know what to think about that last part. I don’t know if Bryan or Gina ripped the paper away from him. But I was really scared when I read that letter,” I explain.

   “Thank you. You may return to your space.” the judge says.

   After everyone has spoken, including Bryan and Gina who deny everything, the judge declares recess. Everyone files out of the courtroom while the jury deliberates. I really hope they can see that the pair are malicious criminals that belong behind bars for the rest of their lives.

   The judge soon collects us and directs us back into the courtroom. The jury has reached a verdict.

   “Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?”

“Yes sir we have,” confirms a dark skinned woman in a flowing pink dress hardly appropriate for court.

“Proceed,” the judge orders.

“We are going to start with Mr. Bryan McDavidson,” says an older man dressed in a dark green suit.

“On the first count of sexual interference, we find the defendant guilty. On the second count of indictable sexual assault, we find the defendant guilty. On the third count of aggravated sexual assault on a minor, we find the defendant guilty. On the fourth count of aggravated sexual relations without consent to a minor, we find the defendant guilty. We will see Mr. Bryan McDavidson back in court at a later date for sentencing,” delivers a plump woman with sandy hair draped around her shoulders.

I can hardly contain my excitement. I can’t wait for Gina’s counts to be revealed.

“Mr. McDavidson you may take a seat. We’ll call upon Mrs. Gina McDavidson to the stand to hear her counts.” says the judge.

Gina’s counts are the same as Bryan’s and I couldn’t be happier. As we make our way out of the courtroom, Matthew collapses onto my lap.

“I’m just so happy they finally got what they deserved. I couldn’t have been able to do this without you, Melissa, and for that I will be forever grateful.”

“We can just move on and open a new chapter to our lives.

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