Chapter 22: Samara Turns on Taylor

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Chapter 22: Samara Turns on Taylor

Samara and I have been spending a lot of time with each other since she turned Taylor into the police. It’s been just over a week, and neither of us have heard anything more. Samara has had several more text messages and phone calls from Taylor, but has ignored every one. She says she doesn’t want to block him in case the police want proof that he is still harassing her. She spends a lot of time with Matthew and I, whether it’s at the rehab or around town. Today, we’re going to a movie together.

I have been on the new medication that Dr. Burnstead prescribed for anxiety for a few months now, and I think it is working a lot better than my old meds.  We are in the van when  I just happen to look out the window, and who of all people do I see? Taylor Mason rolling towards the theatre.

“Samara, are you sure you want to go in there?”

“Yeah, why?”

I point Taylor out to Samara. She gasps.

“I mean really, I’m going to see people I don’t like, but knowing that I just turned him into the police will definitely make any confrontation very awkward.”

“Maybe we should just go to the mall or something,” Samara suggests.

I watch as Taylor rolls past the theatre. Samara and I both take a huge sigh of relief. The driver pulls over in front of the theatre and lets us out. We challenge each other up the ramp. I win. I’m still more comfortable in my chair rather than using my prosthetics while out in public. Hopefully things will change once I get some more experience, because the chair puts a lot of limits on what I can do and where I can go, which is pretty disappointing. Samara and I approach the line. We roll to a stop behind a couple with two young boys. Great...bring on the comments. I glance Samara’s way and can tell she’s thinking the same thing. We sit quietly. As we approach the front, we look up at the movie board.

“See anything overly interesting?” I ask.

“What about Secret Life of Pets?” Samara suggests.

“Seriously?” I laugh.

“What’s wrong with watching a bunch of animated dogs and cats wander through a city? I don’t care if it’s animated. Sometimes you just have to be a kid again, you know?” Samara says, sounding slightly offended.

“OK fine,” I say, turning to the cashier. “2 general tickets to Secret Life of Pets and a large popcorn.”

“Hey I want my own!” Samara barks.

“I don’t think you guys will be able to carry two bags of popcorn,” the cashier says.

“Yeah especially if I’m around,” says a familiar voice.

I spin around to see Taylor sitting behind us with a couple friends I don’t recognise. I return my attention to the cashier in front of us.

“Actually, I don’t think I’m in the mood for a movie anymore. Keep the change,” I say, tossing $60 on the counter and turning as fast as I can.

Samara and I speed out of the theatre faster than either of us knew we could move. We stop beside each other down the street.

“I thought you said he went by the theatre!” Samara exclaims.

“He did! You saw him too! He must have waited for us to go inside then he turned around and followed us, the creep!” I exclaim.

“Do you want to just go back to Crown City?” Samara asks nervously.

“No. Let’s just wander. I’ve been meaning to go into that new designer clothing place just on the other side of Evergreen. Do you want to go check it out? I know everything will be way too expensive but why not?” I suggest.

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