Chapter 9: New Experiences

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Chapter 9: New Experiences

          So I’ve been thinking about what has happened over the past few weeks, and I think it’s time to take action. I’ve promised myself, Alia, Kaya and Olivia that every time I am put in an uncomfortable situation, I’ll face it head on. That’s why I was so excited when I found out that Gina had come across this camp for girls with disabilities. I’ve never been away from home for more than 2 nights, even before the accident, but I’m really excited. I can prove so much to myself by doing this. I look into the camp that Gina signed me up for, and I think it will be a lot of fun. It’s called Camp Stride, and it’s been around since 1982.

As the time comes closer for me to go to camp, Gina helps me get everything ready. I’m packed in no time. A few trips out for things I keep forgetting later, I find myself putting my head on my pillow for the last night before I leave for camp. This experience is going to change my life.

          That morning, I do my best to help pack up the car. After my suitcases and sleeping bag and pillow are loaded, there’s barely enough room for much else. I say good bye to Otis and load into the car. I have decided to see what I am capable without having Otis around. We are going to be meeting the bus halfway. As the van pulls out of the driveway, I am overcome with emotions. As we get closer to the meeting point, I realize that I have slept for most of the ride. I sit upright. We soon pull into a carpool parking lot to wait for the bus that will carry me the rest of the way to camp. 10 minutes later, I see a small yellow bus come off of the busy highway. Any doubt that I had about this camp disappear. The bus pulls into the parking lot and we drive towards it. Two girls get off and go inside with one of the counsellors, and another counsellor gets off to greet me.

          “Melissa it’s so nice to meet you! I’m Demya, the program director this year at Camp Stride! We’re going to have a blast at camp,” she says, looking over my shoulder.

“Here comes our semi Olivia with two more friends,” she says, rolling my suitcase to the back of the bus.

Everything is soon loaded. I wave to Gina and board the bus. I have my prosthetics on, but I don’t know how long they’ll last. I still haven’t been able to go a whole day with them, so my chair is along for the ride. As we pull out of the parking lot, the counsellors blast the music and get everyone excited.

I chat with the girl I am sitting beside. Her name is Hailey and she has cerebral palsy. We talk the whole ride to camp.

As the bus takes the final turn, we begin the final drive down the long and narrow road. There is a meadow on either side full of horses and ponies.

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