Chapter 20: The Call

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A few months later, I have built up so much strength, specifically in my thighs, that I am not using my wheelchair much anymore. I still have Otis just in case, but I feel much more independent now. I am still living at the rehab with my brother, but we have both become much more independent and are relying much less on the staff. I’m also a year older than I was when this ordeal began. I just turned 17 a few days ago.

I am reading a book on my bed when there’s a knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to it for the first time.

   “Hi Francine,” I say smiling.

   She has been off work for a few months, so she is shocked to see me standing in front of her.

   “Wow Melissa! You’re doing so well!” she squeals.

   “Thanks,” I say, blushing.

   “Anyway, I came to let you and Matthew know that we received a call from Crown Jail, and your father has requested to see both of you this afternoon. It is ultimately your decision, but we need to know what you want to do before noon to reserve spots on one of the transfer vans.” Francine says.

   “OK thanks,” I say, uneasy.

   Francine smiles and leaves, shutting the door behind her.

   “Isn’t that great Melissa?” Matthew asks, excited.

   “You want to see him? Matthew he was responsible for someone dying,” I remind.

   “Well he didn’t mean to, Melissa. I want to tell him about Gina and Bryan and all the stupid stuff they got away with for so long. Who knows, maybe he’s a completely different person. He’s had time to think. He’s probably more accepting of your situation, and knowing that we’re sticking together will make him happy,” Matthew says.

   “I’m not going,” I say firmly.

   “Oh come on Melissa, we can’t let him stay in there without at least hearing from us.” Matthew pushes.

   “I’ll call him,” I say weakly. “Maybe,” I add.

   “OK well I’m going to tell Francine that I want to go. Speak for yourself,” Matthew says, leaving the room.

   After he is gone, I think about whether I really want to put myself in an awkward position with my dad in the jail. I saw what he did to that girl. What if he’s got revenge built up inside him? What if I say the wrong thing and he lashes out at me?” I don’t know what to do. I kind of hope he doesn’t call.

   Matthew returns and gathers a few things together.

   “There’s a van that came back earlier than scheduled. I’m going now. Is there anything you want me to tell Dad when I’m there? Are you going to talk to him if he calls or are you just going to be awkward and ignore his calls?” Matthew asks, visibly frustrated.

    “I don’t know right now Matthew. Just go. Have fun with him. You don’t see him from the same perspective as I do. I’ll be fine here.”

   Matthew leaves for the jail. I decide to take the time and get some reading in. I used to read all the time, but I can’t remember the last time I was able to sit down and read a book from cover to cover uninterrupted.

I turn to my growing bookshelf. Out of My Mind. Mine for Keeps. Accidents of Nature. Last Word. Not If I See You First. I tend to be drawn to books with characters with disabilities. A lot of these books were purchased after my accident. I also like the romantic novels, so anything by Sarah Dessen. I find reading is a good escape, so  I’m glad to finally be able to have the time to read. I pull Accidents of Nature towards me. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m excited.

I get so deep into my book, I barely register the overhead calling my name. I dread what is waiting for me. I walk carefully towards the front desk to find out what I’m wanted for. As I approach the desk, Francine comes around the corner.

“I wanted to know what they wanted. I saw your brother leave earlier, so I wondered if it had to do with that,” she explains.

The receptionist shakes her head sideways.

“Kind of. It’s Matthew calling. He’s with your dad at the jail. They both want to talk to you,” she explains, giving me a half-smile.

“Do you want me to take you to a private room?” Francine asks.

“No, this won’t take long,” I say, taking the phone from the receptionist.

“Hello?” I say into the phone.

“It’s Matthew. I’m at the jail. Dad asked me to call you to see if you changed your mind. I told him it was unlikely, but I’d try anyway,” Matthew says.

“I don’t really want to, but sure,” I say reluctantly.

There is a brief pause, presumably when Matthew is handing the phone over.

“Hello?” the voice says.

“Hi,” I respond.

“Melissa, how have you been?”


“I hear you’ve had some troubles with the couple that took you in.”


“That must have been hard. Matthew said you went to camp. How was it?”


“I’d like it if you came to see me sometime. I was expecting you and Matthew to come together.”


“Look I don’t blame you for being mad, but I’m trying to have an adult conversation with my daughter here.”

“OK,” I say.

I can tell Dad is getting irritated, but he called me, I didn’t call him.

“Matthew has told me that a lot has happened.”


“You got in trouble when you went for some walk thing?”


“Why didn’t I find out about that? You’re lucky you weren’t killed being dropped off in that area.”

“You go there all the time. If you’re so worried about me going there, then maybe you should stop going too.”

“Yes but I’m an adult. I don’t like being by that alley. It always creeps me out.” his tone changes. “If you’re going to be like this and not talk to me, then I don’t want to keep you.”

“OK bye then. Put Matthew back on.” There’s another brief pause before Matthew answers.

“I’m sorry Melissa. I tried to explain to him that you didn’t want to talk,” he explains.

“It’s OK Matthew. Just come back soon OK? I miss you,” I say.

I’ve never said that before. I pass the phone back to the receptionist and turn back towards my room.

“Melissa?” Francine calls.

I turn around.

“I’m proud of you.” she smiles.

“Thanks,” I call before walking back to my room.

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