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Days have past and the twins still weren't talking. Well, not very much. They only did when they had to but other than that, nothing.

When I first met them, they were inseparable, but now.. they can't stand to be in the same room!

I want the twins back.

"Lukas?" Would he know what to do?


"Do you know anything? like with the twins?" please say yes please say yes.

"Yes" BOOYA!

"what do you know?" don't shut me out.

"They like the same girl and all hells gonna break loose soon." Huh?

"Who's the girl?"

"Donno" c'mon!

"Does anyone?"

"Yeah.. Emmanuel I think." Emmanuel...

"Where is he?"

"Don't" what? why!


"Because I know alright. Everyone knows!"

"But I don't"

"There's a reason why!" bum.

Neither of us went further and soon lukas left. I was alone in the lounge room of Lukas and Emmanuels room staring at a blank TV.

Why am I the only one that doesn't know?

Got the flu... fun fun fun -_-


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