To be A Demon

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        "Young Master, it's time to wake up," a voice urges as hands shake me. I open my eyes, and come face to face with a wall.

'Wait, "Young Master"!?'

I sit up and look around with wide eyes. 'Th-This isn't my room!' A man's back is turned to me, as he gets something. Only, he doesn't look human. He has black scales and thick horns. He's also has short black hair and is wearing a strange butler's outfit. 'Wait...Oh...' 'Yesterday comes back to me. 'That wasn't a dream.' I feel something twitch behind me. It's my thin black tail.

"I really am a I demon child..." I mumble. 'They were right...' Tears swell up and I sniff, trying not to cry.

"Good morning-" the other demon starts "-Why are you crying?" He questions, alarmed when he turns and faces me. His eyes are black -and I mean completely black.

"I-I'm a demon!" I say, unable to stop.

He looks even more lost now. "Yes, you are...?" I notice his fangs and fork tongue as he speaks.

I feel my own, wincing as my normal tongue is cut on my fangs. "I don't want to be a demon! Demons are evil!"

Understanding smooths out his troubled expression. "Some are," he agrees easily. "But so are some humans. Tell me, Young Master, you are aware that some humans murder each other? That they cheat and steal and do horrible things? Jails in Assiah are not for demons, but humans, correct?"

'That's true... But-!' "But I keep hurting Dad and my classmates! They-They say that I break bones!"

The demon snorts, laying down clothes on my bed to put his fists on his hips. "I dare say you do, sir. Humans are terribly fragile." His expression is serious as he continues, "It is of no fault on your part, that you do not know how to control your strength yet. Not when faced with such weak things, at any rate. You'll come to know that the folk and materials here are much more durable."

I bite my lip. "When I get angry...I black out...And-And I...I can't control it. I try really hard, but sometimes..."

The other demon hums. "When do you 'black out'? What causes you to become so angry?"

"When other kids pick on Yukio. Or when they call me a demon."

He nods at that. "I imagine that's your instincts acting out."


"Well, you've been living without a proper demon adult. Parents are supposed to be role models for their children, yes? Well it's a bit more complicated for demons. You see parents offer comfort and safety for their children, but without them a child's instincts will go 'crazy' for a lack of better word. With no constant, and stronger than your's, demonic reassurance you will subconsciously think yourself the one in charge. However, you are too young for that. You do not have the mental and emotional maturity for that responsibility, and so you will lash out more severely and more often when you see a threat. I can only assume that you see this Yukio as 'yours,' and therefore under your protection, much like a parent and child or a territory. It can only got worse with time, until you mature anyways," He explains. "Do you understand, Young Master?"

I slowly nod. But I'm still confused. 'But Dad is still my Dad...He's always been. Why wouldn't my instincts calm down with him? He's strong!' Yukio being my kid is just weird, too. Although, despite everything, I do feel a bit better. 'If it's normal...'

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