Thicker Than Water

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        "Young Master...Young Master..."

I groan, sluggishly rubbing my eyes. SazukiYenzo is leaning in, concern all over his face. "Wha-What happened?" I yawn.

SazukiYenzo's lips thin in displeasure. "You...sparred yesterday. Lord Satan carried you to your room afterwards, and he requests your company after breakfast."

My eyes widen as everything hits me at once. The candles, the dungeons and arena, the blinding pain. 'Then...And then...Warmth? Arms embracing me...?' "Did someone rescue me?" I stare up at SazukiYenzo.

If possible, he looks even more disapproving after I ask. "No," he answers curtly, turning around to get my clothes. "There was no need for that, sir. You won in the end."

My mouth goes dry. "Wha-What?" 'No need...? But I -Oh. Oh.' I hug myself, suddenly feeling cold and empty all at once.

"You have no lessons planned today, or the next five days in fact, aside from training with Lord Satan. However-"

"What?" I interrupt, squeaking. "Why?" 'No, no, I don't want to be with him!'

"All of your lessons are cleared aside from the ones with your Father," SazukiYenzo repeats. "However," he carries on, "An hour after lunch will be dedicated to your time with King Astaroth. He has been very excited to meet you, sir."

"Do I have to?" I whisper. 'Please say no. Please say no.'

He seems taken back for a second. "Pardon? Do you mean the meeting with King Astaroth? Well, I suppose not, but it would be extremely rude-"

"No, I mean Satan."

SazukiYenzo's eyes soften at that. "I'm afraid so." He lays down my clothes for the day on the bed, and when I don't move, reaches for my PJ's buttons. "You know..." he hesitates, "You should not feel bad, Young Master. That man you fought had been a truly despicable individual. It was either you or him, and I for one am glad that you are the one that survived."

'That's what he said.'

"I can't remember what happened. Sa-Satan said, that, he said that if I di-didn't win that he-he would go free," My voice hitches, tears swelling up in my eyes. My chest is compressed so painfully, and I can feel little tingles on my head and arm where he hurt me. I furiously wipe away the tears that streak down my cheeks.

SazukiYenzo freezes. Before resuming, pulling my new shirt though my arms like I didn't say anything. "If that true, then I'm afraid Lord Satan lied. I find it incredibly hard to believe that Maikio would give up having a new toy. Sadistic that he is," he mutters the last part.

"Who's Maikio?"

"He is the Head demon in charge of torturing prisoners and the dungeon."

"Oh. What does 'sadistic' mean?"

SazukiYenzo's eyes flicker up to mine. "An individual who enjoys inflicting pain on others."

"Oh. Was-Was the criminal I...Fought one too?"

"Yes. I believe some called him Legiko the Feeder, famous for feeding his's victims their organs."

'That's what he said, too.'

I bite my bottom lip. "Did he usually kill kids?"

"...Yes, that is correct. Truly, Gehenna is better off without the likes of him." SazukiYenzo mutters something else under his breath, but it's too quiet for me to hear. "Now, let's crease this dreary talk, shall we?" He stands and motions for me to do the same.

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