Dear Little Brother

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        "Ow!" I yelp as a ruler makes contact with my lower back. I glare at Yenzo, but he isn't fazed.

"Young Master-"

"-Stop hitting me!" I interrupt him.

"Then stop slouching," he retorts. It's been seven months -or weeks, in demon time apparently- since I first came to Gehenna. Currently, I'm supposed to be working on a math sheet that's in front of me. While balancing two books on my head. Yenzo has noticed how I'm always "slouching" so now I have to balance books on my head, keep my spine straight and shoulders back wherever I go. It's not my fault that I always bend over when I'm trying to think!

"Jerk," I mumble under my breath, but I know Yenzo heard me.

"One more question, then we will move on to science," he tells me.

I groan, 'Like that's any better!' Yenzo may be an awesome teacher, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have to do work. I try to scratch my head, momentarily forgetting about the books. They tip, almost fall, but I luckily catch them and remove my hand.

I look at my last remaining math question, thinking. Once I write the answer down I hand the paper back to Yenzo. Yenzo studies at it, and his mouth slowly frowns more and more. I would have slumped in my chair in disappointment, but I don't want to be hit with a ruler again.

"You only got seven out of twenty right," Yenzo says.

"It's not my fault that I suck at math," I grumble, looking away. I don't like it when Yenzo looks at me like that. He only sighs, takes a chair and sits down across from me.

"Let's redo these problems, then."

"What?" My eyes fly to Yenzo, "You said we were going to do science after I was done!"

"That was before I saw your score," he replies. "Now, we are going to work on these questions until they are all correct."

'I take back what I said; Yenzo is a mean teacher! Just in a different way than my old ones.'

I stare at my math sheet in dismay. Yukio wouldn't have trouble with these, cause he's the smart one. 'I miss him...'


"Dad! Dad!" Yukio calls as he runs towards Fujimoto. Said man turns around and smiles faintly when he heard his name.

"What is it?" he asks.

"I finished the book," Yukio declares proudly, showing him the book. It's a two hundred paged book on demons and how to exorcist them, the beginner's that Yukio had insisted on reading a few weeks ago.

"Great job, kiddo," Fujimoto praises and ruffles Yukio's hair.

Yukio tries to fix his hair as he questions; "Can I become an exorcist now?"

Fujimoto grimaces. "I've told you, only when you turn sixteen."

"But that's so long!" Yukio complains. Yukio's never been one to whine, that's usually Rin that does that, but Rin..."Nii-san is in danger!" He's always saved Yukio from the bullies at school, so why can't he save him for once? Rin had always been there when Yukio needed him, but now, when he needs Yukio, Yukio can't return the favour!

"I know, I know," Fujimoto responds sadly, the dark lines under his eyes seemingly to get darker, "And I'm doing everything I can to get him back." And he was. Fujimoto is doing everything in his power to find Rin. Other people are starting to give up, but not him. He's is out every single night, looking.

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