Family Get-Together

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        "They're...Going to throw you a birthday party?" Yukio repeats slowly.

I rub my neck sheepishly, laughing a bit. "Yeah, it's supposed be next week or something. Yesterday I mentioned how I -how we- are turning seven soon. Nee-san was really-"

"Don't call them that!" Yukio snaps.

I startle at his sharp tone.

Yukio sniffs, tears beginning to swell in his eyes. "Don't call them Nee-san, Father, or anything! They're not your family! Have you already forgotten about us?"

My chest compresses painfully. "No, no!" I panic, trying to reassure him. "I haven't! How could I?" 'How can I forget how Dad betted our lives? That he works for the people that killed mom -of how he and the other priests' jobs is to kill demons like me? How can I forget about all the times Dad read us stories at bedtime, of the times he played ball, took us to the park, helped with our homework? How can I forget about the warmth of his hugs, of the careful way he tried to teach me how to cook, his ever so rare proud smiles that he used to send my way? Of how I'll never get them again? How can I ever get the picture of his face twisting in disgust, seeing the demon in me, out of my mind? I won't. I won't ever forget, Yukio, just like you'll never stop reminding me.'

-"He does not want you if you are not human."

"Know that I never cared whether you are human or demon. You're Yuri's son, and mine, after all."-

"Then why do you call them your family?" Yukio demands pitifully.

I nudge the grass with my shoe. "You're both my families," I mumble.

Yukio grabs my shoulders harshly. "Can't you see, Nii-san? They're trying to buy you! The party, the baby dragon, everything!"

"Stop it," I shake Yukio off with a spark of irritation. "You're wrong. It's not true. I have to earn the dragon, and the party is just a party. Nee-san just wants me to finally meet the others. They're even arriving early to visit before the party. She says that they should have introduced themselves before anyways."

"You're going to meet more of them?" Yukio says, aghast.

'I don't think Yukio would like hearing about how I have to earn my dragon by fighting in an arena. In two days.' I bite my cheek and look away. I don't want to talk about this anymore. "Oh, hey!" I exclaim and point to a tall three. "I bet I can climb higher than you!" I don't wait for him as I run towards it and start climbing.

"B-Be careful!"

I ignore Yukio's worries as I climb higher and higher. "Come on, Yukio!" I grin down at him. "It's fine, see?"

Yukio bites his lip, but hesitantly follows me. I shoot him a thumbs up once we're both settled on the highest branch we can manage.

"See? Isn't this so cool?"

Yukio smiles weakly, glancing downwards for a second. "Yeah, I guess so."

We both watch the setting sun in the horizon. I always visit Yukio after dinner because I'm too busy with lessons beforehand. Yukio got us walkie-talkies so that I could let him know when I'm in Assiah, and we usually meet up in secluded part of a forest at the nearby park. Dad and the other priests trust Yukio when he says that he's meeting up with a friend at the library that's a five minute walk from the church, although he's only allowed to stay out for a half n' hour. Yukio actually had to meet up with a classmate several times before they let him go alone, only watching him leave by the window. I don't know what we're going to do when it starts snowing though...

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