The Fairest Of Them All

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        "So, Azazel, what sin would you label Rin as?" Beelzebub inquires, moving his rider piece two squares forward on the game board.

"Are we still in agreement with the others?" I smirk as I take my own turn, which results in Beelzebub losing one of his major players.

Many centuries ago, when Samael had first gone to Assiah and was still a close member of this family, he had told of the human's 'seven deadly sins.' The three of us had a good laugh about it -still do, really, though without Samael as he's grown ever distant- and took turns naming everyone. Lucifer is Gluttony in elimination, for he's always hungry for Father's praise (Egyn's comment of him being the "official Ass Kisser" is, while rude, true) and more importantly his thirst for knowledge knows no bounds.

Samael and Iblis share the title of Pride, with Samael always priding himself with his higher intelligence and 'games' and Iblis striving to be the very best at everything she sets her mind to.

I myself am labelled Sloth in the majority vote alongside Beelzebub due to our rather laid back demeanor. (Though privately I think I fit Lust better. Just because I don't like to be obvious in my sexual desires or boast of my sleeping habits, doesn't mean that they don't exist. Unlike a few I can name...)

After careful consideration between Envy and Wrath, Egyn is the former. It's painfully clear that he's never grown out of his boyhood jealousy due to the lack of Father's attention. (Really, we've all experienced the jealousy during our childhoods, some more than others. Egyn simply refuses to let go of his bitterness -and look where that got him now. It isn't the first time either, though last time was years ago and had hardly received such a harsh punishment for his disrespect. Going so far as to doom himself with being sent to the latest head torturer...) Instead, Wrath goes to Astaroth.

Lastly, Amaimon is Greed. He can give Beelzebub a run for his money with Sloth, but for as all long as I can remember Amaimon has never quite grasp the concept of compromise or meeting halfway. Despite the millennium of him being a fellow King.

Beelzebub gives me a dirty look after my turn. I chuckle, leaning back on my seat. Our game is going to end soon, though my victory is yet to be guaranteed.

Indeed, after a moment of consideration, Beelzebub smugly knocks down my other rider with his own piece. I frown, leaning in to examine the complicated board as to see where I went wrong.

"Of course," he answers my earlier question.

I hum. "Well, if we're speaking honestly, I think the humans need to add another deadly sin for naivety."

Beelzebub snorts, shooting me an amused look. "Ah, the wonders of not only being the favourite, but also the only planned one," he comments dryly.

I sigh, because it's true. Every single one of us, excluding Rin and his mysterious human twin, are all mistakes. 'Oopsie babies' if you will. After all, what need does God have for an heir? It's not like Father is going to do us the favour of dying anytime soon -or ever, really. Gehenna is extremely lucky to have so few immortals as it is. It certainly helps that none of my siblings or I's descendants are ever immortal themselves.

'I'm sure the filthy exorcists would be horrified if they actually took the time to ponder,' I think with dark amusement.

"...What do you make of him, anyways? You were the first one to see him, yeah?" Beelzebub tries to act nonchalant despite the heavy question.

I arch a brow at him while taking my turn. That's a rather dangerous thing to ask, here in this castle, and we both know it. "Rin himself, or how Father behaves with him?"

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