Hatching Plans II

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        "I see the target," I whisper.

Next to me, Kazeko turns to where I have my sights on. She grins slyly. "Copy," she whispers back. "Ready the guns."

We both raise our straws and press it to our lips, peeking over our hiding spot from the corner not ten feet behind our target.

"One, two..." Kazeko mumbles.

I ready my cheeks with air.


We both exhale sharply -causing the spitballs to fly and hit the target's head and back! I laugh loudly at the guard's ridiculous expression as he turns around, and shielding his face while Kazeko spits with a vengeance.

"Prince Rin-!"

"Eat this, jerk!" I yell gleefully and reload before blowing more balls of paper out.

His face turns a lovely shade of red and purple as he sputters.

"Yeah!" Kazeko agrees. A few short moments later we run out of ammo and she grabs my hand. "Hurry, Rin!"

We both crackle as we sprint away from the angry guard. We stop and hide beneath a desk at a random and empty guest room. "Did you see his face?" I snicker.

"Yup! It was so funny!" Kazeko wipes tears of laugh from her eyes.

The guard totally deserved it! I've often overheard servants complain how mean and "handsy" he is with some of the maids while I spy on them. Even Kazeko has heard her mom ranting about his disrespect and how much she'd enjoy "gorging his eyes out and shoving them down his throat" a couple of times.

"Who should we do next?" I ask. "Oh, oh! I know this really stuck up chef that's been giving Hasc some trouble. I think his name is-" I stop mid-sentence when someone knocks on the bedroom's door. For a second I fear that it's the guard, but then the door opens and Yenzo is there.

A very stern looking Yenzo, but I can still see that he's at least a little bit amused despite himself.

"Spitballs again, really, Young Master? Miss Kazeko?" Yenzo frowns.

I shrug. "He deserved it."

"Yeah!" Kazeko agrees whole heartily. "Even my mom said so!"

Yenzo arches a disbelieving brow. If a brow can be disbelieving. "Your mother approved of this? Told you to do this?"

"Well, no..." Kazeko trails off. "But I heard her call him a bad word. Lots of them, actually. My brother Peic swears that he wouldn't be surprised if he 'magically' turns up in a ditch soon."

"Nonetheless, Young Master, Lord Satan is requesting your presence," Yenzo sighs.

I shoot Kazeko a quick grin, which she mirrors. Yenzo must agree with how much of a jerk the guard is, or else he would've made at least Kazeko apologize. The only time I had to apologize was when we pranked the terrifying general. Not that we knew he was the general at the time, or was even aiming for him, though. He was simply the unfortunate soul that walked through that particular hallway that day.

I perk up at the mention of my father. "Is he done with the boring meeting?" I assume.

Today is finally the day that I do my flame test. On a live person. And then I'm going to fight -and win- against someone without my flames. Which I don't actually mind not using in the lest...

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