Thee Other Side

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        Yeah...I don't have an excuse. I've just been writing other stuff. Sorry for the super long wait.

Anyways, to everyone who has commented about Rin having white hair -and being reborn into a full demon- due to a shattered Kuriara in the manga, the last scene and the future chapter As The Years Go By (and any other possible sick!Rin scenes before the age of sixteen) is for you guys. Hope you enjoy!


I wake up the sound of beeping. Groaning, I turn over in my bed and sluggishly reach for my annoying alarm clock. I sigh, the clock having stopped, and rub my eyes. Regretfully I sit up and grab my glasses from my night stand -right next to the picture of Rin and I's fourth birthday.

My clock that tells me that it's seven o' three in the morning. 'Gotta get ready for school. I think Dad also said something about an exorcist meeting later on...' Something about a group of mid to high level demons causing trouble lately.

The reminder puts a sour taste in my mouth. If only he would let me come! But no, it's "too dangerous." I can study, ace both the safety and academic tests that he gives me, and kill the demons that he captures and releases in a very controlled environment, but I can't go on any official missions with him. It's so frustrating.

It's not that I don't understand where he's coming from. Even if he hasn't admitted it to me, I know that he's terrified of me being taken like Rin. And I'm pretty sure that if he was the type to believe that me being ignorant would keep me safe, I wouldn't know what demons were even real. He would have made up some tale of a human kidnapping Rin instead. Thankfully that's not the case, and he always makes sure that I am knowledgeable and skilled, but nothing official.

Because if my years of training was official, then I would already be an exorcist. I would be sent on missions. Be pitted against demons where Dad can't watch and be ready to rescue me.

Some days it's suffocating. When I'm practicing shooting or exorcising demon under supervision his gaze bores into my back...His twitching fingers, hesitant step forward if a demon gets too close is very distracting, and his constant nervousness makes me nervous. Causes me to second think myself and my mind to blank. Then he'll take those mistakes, big and small, and use them as excuses that I'm "not ready."

It's infuriating. Some days the anger and frustration is too much, fills and chokes me up and constricts my chest to the point of real pain, and all I want to do is scream and rage. Ripe or pound into something. Even envisioning punching Dad in the face. On those days I'll take my gun and go shooting, informing one of the other priests but never Dad. I imagine the targets as demons and all the reasons why I'm here in the first place. Because if only Dad would let me I know I can go far -I can really follow in his footsteps and become the strongest exorcist. Earn the Paladin title.

I'll think 'Why can't he understand? Why is he so determined to hold me back?'

Then I'll look at my walkie talkie -one half of the set- and immediately I'll wallow in my guilt. I hate that stupid walkie talkie just as much I treasure it. It's one of the too-few links I have to Rin, but then I remember that I'm the only one that knows he's even alive. (Not that I can ever forget.) Just as Dad's overprotective behaviour is both suffocating and infuriating, I feel filthy to my very core knowing that I lie. Seeing the pain in Dad and the others' eyes whenever they're reminded, the quiet sobs in the night on the anniversary...I lie and let them carry that grief in their hearts every single day.

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