The Evil Pie

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        SazukiYenzo wakes me up like he has done the past days, this time saying that my lessons will start today after an hour of training with Father.

"Do I have to?"

"I'm afraid so, sir. You have a free hour after lunch, but then we'll be moving onto Languages until dinner. After dinner you have another training session with Lord Satan until bed."

SazukiYenzo tells me to take a shower before changing. Today I'm still dressed in black dress shorts, but this time my shirt is a deep green and I mange to get off without a tie.

Once in the dinning room, I'm surprised to see Azzy -or I guess I should be calling him Azzy-nii now, seeing as he really is my older borther- sitting at the table with that same purple-tied butler at the wall from before. 'I have to ask SazukiYenzo what the different colours mean.'

Azzy-nii looks up when he notices me. "Good morning, Rin. How...How are you feeling?" he asks carefully.

I shrug and sit down across from him. I can't say better...But...

There's an awkward pause between us. Which is only broken when a toad-like demon comes to take my breakfast order. SazukiYenzo orders for me.

"I...I start my lessons today," I inform Azzy-nii.


I nod. "Yeah. What are going to do? Do you still have school?"

"No, I finished school a long time ago. I'm travelling back to my Kingdom today, most likely signing and writing papers all day," he answers.

'Oh. So he's leaving?' I don't really know how to feel about that. "That sounds boring," I comment.

Azzy-nii chuckles, "It is."

"You look better when you do that," I note.

"Do what?" Azzy-nii questions.

"Laugh," I clarify. "Your face is usually hard and looks like you have a poop that you can't poop."

Azzy-nii sputters, but right then the toad demon comes back with my food and drink. It's clear and soup-y like, with tiny green somethings swimming in it.

I don't hesitate to dig in, so hungry after eating hardly at all in the past few of days. It tastes so good too! Soon, it's all gone and my glass is empty.

"Young Master, let us go to Lord Satan," SazukiYenzo says.

I bite my lip nervously, still not sure what exactly to feel about the man. I hate that he made me fight the criminal...But...

I slid off my seat, shooting Azzy-nii a quick goodbye, and slowly trail after Yenzo. He actually has to stop a couple of times, lest he leaves me completely behind. Eventually, however, we make it. Yenzo knocks for me before stepping off to the side. Father opens the door and looks at me.

I swallow, unable to stop thinking about how the last time I saw him I was crying in his arms. Heat creeps up my neck.

"Good morning, Rin," he greets smoothly.

"Morning," I downcast my eyes to my polished shoes and mumble.

"Do not mumble, and look at me when you're speaking," he lightly scolds. "Now, what was that again?"

I bite my cheek as annoyance is sparked, eyes flying up to meet his.

"Rin?" Father repeats testily, arching a brow.

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