Hatching Plans III

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        Kazeko is waiting on my bed. She first had a big smile, but then when she sees my distressed state her expression falls. "Rin, did you-"

        I cut her off by running into her arms, sobbing. She hugs me back just as tightly. I don't know how long we cling to each other as I cry. 'It's not fair!'

        "Did you fail?" She whispers, once I've calmed down enough to snivels. My throat and chest still feels tight, though. And my eyelids are super heavy from crying.

        I slowly detach myself from her. I mutely nod my head. "I-I passed my fire test, though. I had to do it with Yenzo," I can't stop my voice from wobbling.

        Kazeko gasps, "Is he okay?"

        I nod my head again. "Y-Yeah. But then I accidentally used my fire in the combat test."

        "Oh...So then you're not going to get the mabic? That sucks."

        "It's not just that! I wanted the smallest one, the runt, because if I didn't then he'd be killed! Just because he's smaller! It isn't fair!" I rant and sniff.

        "Seriously?" she gapes. "But -did you ask Lord Satan for a do-over? You said it was an accident, right?"

        "I did, but he won't let me!" I growl and cross my arms. The more I brew over it, the more determined I feel. I can't let them do this! I can't let Father, Bear, and Bear's boss kill the baby dragon. I don't care what they say -they don't know how strong he can grow up to be! 'And-And if they won't listen to me, then I'll just let the baby dragon show them!'

        "What are you going to do?" Kazeko asks me curiously.

        "I'm going to save him," I declare.


        "I'm going to set him free."

        Kazeko gapes again. "How are you going to do that? Aren't there, like, a ton of guards and security?"

        "I'll figure it out," I say mulishly. "Are you coming? You don't have to if you-"

        Kazeko shakes her head. "No, no, I'm coming! Besides, you'll probably get lost in the castle without me," she teases.

        "You don't even know where the teleporting room is," I roll my eyes, but warmth surges in my chest at Kazeko's immediate answer. Even Yukio would be more hesitate to tag along with this.

        Kazeko sticks her tongue out at me.

        And so, slowly and carefully, we leave my rooms. I half expect a guard to be stationed right outside my front doors, but thankfully that isn't the case. As we head towards the teleporting room we see servants, and the first time I froze before trying to hide, but then Kazeko snatches my hand and casually keeps walking pass the servant.

        "We can't be seen!" I hiss at Kazeko once it's clear, my pounding heart calming somewhat.

        Kazeko rolls her eyes at me. "My cousin says that if you act confident, then people won't questions you as much. We'll look super bad if we suddenly start sneaking!" Kazeko rebukes.

        I frown. "Does your cousin sneak a lot?"

        "He once stole a big mirror in plain sight," she grins, eyes sparkling with admiration. "Right from the store! With cameras! And he still has it in his room."


        Kazeko nods in agreement. "Yeah, so act confidant! You're the Prince, and they have to listen to you."

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