Demonic Celebrations II

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        When Father's flames disappear, we're in the throne room. Father sneers at the nameless, sobbing demon still in his clutches and throws him to the ground in disgust.

"Guards, take this thing to the dungeons!" Father snarls to the empty air, and in the next second two guards materialize from no where and drag the ruined demon away.

"Um, don't you think that..." I begin nervously, the words getting stuck in my throat as I stare at Father's furious appearance. The image of him holding the nameless demon up by his throat, the screams echoing in my ears, flashes through my mind as my stomach churns. 'Don't you think that you went too far? It was just a small rock...'

I flinch away when Father raises his hands, the image of him choking the demon still fresh in my mind, but he ignores it with only a narrow-eyed look and holds my head, tilting it so he can see my temple better and gently touch the injured spot.

"It's already healing..." Father mutters to himself. "Come, Rin, let's wash off the blood." He straightens and guides me out of the throne room with a hand on my shoulder.

I bite my lip, wanting to speak but my voice is lost. I can still feel his anger, practically pulsing in the air, and I really don't want to make it worse or direct it towards me. As if sensing this Father demands:

"What is it? Speak up if there's something you wish to say."

I wince, ducking my head. "Ah, well..."

"Rin..." Father warns, and knowing what he wants I lift my head up to look him in the eyes.

"Wasn't, um, burning his...Wasn't that going too far? I mean, he only threw a rock..."

Father's expression hardens and darkens even further. "No," he denies harshly. "A simple rock or not, he hurt you, Rin, and that's something that I refuse to allow. It may be just a rock this time, but if I don't teach the mortals and filth like that man the dire consequences of their stupidity, then they'll try worse things. If I didn't act like I did then those that attempt to fight my rule will get ideas and next time it could be a bullet. You are Yuri and I's son, and the filth is very lucky to still be alive as it is. Do you understand, Rin?"

"But what about the arena?" I blurt. I almost regret the words as soon as they're out.

Father narrow his eyes. "Those are different. The arena fights are there to teach you, Rin. And I'll remind you that you chose to fight the second time."

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"But nothing. With the arena I was there, and in control. You can be sure that I would have never allowed you to be killed, and was prepared to step in if things went too far."

'I thought things went "too far" in the first one...'

Once in a bathroom Father grabs a cloth, wets it, and starts dabbing my temple with it.

"I can do it myself, you know," I grumble, but don't protest further than that.

After he's finished he throws the cloth in the sink, and says, "You should go to your rooms and start preparing for the ball. I will send someone to let your butler know that you are here early. I have...Things to attend too in the meantime."

"Like the demon who threw the rock?"

Father's grin is absolutely predatory. "Exactly," he purrs.

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