Royally Screwed

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        "Sir, please pay attention."

"Sorry, Yenzo," I smile sheepishly, turning away from the clock.

He shakes his head at my behaviour. "I understand that you are excited to go to Miss Kazeko's, however we only have another half hour so I'd appreciate your full attention until then."

"Right." 'Only thirty more minutes...Man, it's taking however...!'

"What year did the Nesku War happen, and when did it end?" Yenzo asks.

I rack my brain for the answers. I think we covered the Nesku War two units ago? Why is he asking me about this? "Ehhhh...That was the war where Iblis-nee first tried to take over Clown-nii's lands, right? Wasn't it in the Hemira's Era? And Clown-nii won at the last second by coming back to Gehenna and fighting one-on-one with Iblis-nee, instead of using their armies."

The Nesku War actually sums up why she hates him quite nicely. When I was nine, I finally asked her why she hates Clown-nii so much, and she went on this long rant about how toxic and terrible of a King Clown-nii is. Of how he doesn't even care about his kin nor his lands, only his games and humans in Assiah, while the rest of them (particularly herself) bleed and sweat for their kingdoms everyday, for millennium and for eternity to come. Iblis-nee feels deeply insulted how indifferent Clown-nii acts, and the fact that she always fails only adds salt to the wound.

-"The citizens and economy deserve to flourish under a true ruler -and not some knock off stand-in that changes every several decades!" Iblis-nee declares venomously. "Mark my words, Rin, one day I will succeed, and when I do that bastard will sorely regret ever playing house with those filthy exorcists!"-

"Yes, however which years did the war take place?"

"Four years? 17600-17604?" I guess.

"It was only two years, Young Master. 17662-17664," Yenzo corrects.

'Close enough.'

"You were at least sixty years off," Yenzo continues dryly. "I do hope you have been reviewing, sir. You have your mid-exam in three weeks," he reminds me.

'Rrrrrright...' I turn sheepish, shrinking in my seat slightly, having completely forgotten about that.

Yenzo simply sighs and resumes this unit's lesson. I glance at the clock, and barely resist the urge to bang my forehead against my desk with a long, suffering groan.

'It's only been two minutes!'

As soon as "and that concludes today's lesson" leaves Yenzo's lips I'm out of there with a hasty "thanks!" to the man. Yenzo calls after me to not run in the hallways, but I ignore him and zip to my rooms to change. The sooner I show up to my training with Father the sooner it can end, and the sooner I can go to Kazeko's place, I figure.

Yesterday's classes were extra long in order to make up for today, but I still had to wake up early so that Yenzo would have enough time to lecture me and for my two hours of training with Father before two o' clock. It takes an hour to drive to Kazeko's place from the castle, so I'll be there around three and come straight back after dinner.

Did I mention that I was going to Kazeko's house? For the first time?

I quickly change into my training clothes and race towards the training room, narrowly avoiding bumping into startled servants on the way. Finally, I skid to a stop in front of the doors, calm my breathing, and open the door. Father is already waiting for me by the mats.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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