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A sequel to "The Cripple and The Shieldmaiden"

For the people who didn't read the first part of the story yet, please don't start here then. You can follow the link above to the start of the relationship between Ivar and Torhild.

The world can be a cruel place, there is hatered, passion, voilence and love. If you don't learn to survive you never get the chance to prove yourself. It doesn't matter where you coming from, who your parents are ... it's your life and your life only. You have to stand up for it, survive in it and only that way you can rule the world. I did that ... I learned to concure, I learned to defeat, I learned to be scare but most of all ... I learned to love. Leaving him behind caused me more than only pain, he broke me into million peaces. Forgetting him is hard when you got something from him always aside you. I always think about him when I look in those bleu eyes, always remembering his touch, his sent, the kisses we shared. He still has a part from my heart and I hope he guards it well, I hope he will take care for it like he did for me. Seeing him again will be heartbreak but it will also be a new start. It is one thing to feel loved, it is something totally different if you are loved by the great and fearless Ivar The Boneless.

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