Thank you,

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Yet again ... here we are, on the end of this epic adventure. I really had a hard time writing this last chapter, because it is the end and I hate ends. Although I think this could get another story I let it totally depend on your opinions. This is a good ending for Ivar and Torhild, but there adventures could go on, there is still Paris, Raynor, an unborn child. I could write whole new things for those two but I won't do it if you think that this is a good ending to a fantastic journey. For everybody who would like to see another adventure, please don't hesitate to send me your ideas!! I depend on them, no comment or ideas is no third story for Ivar and Torhild.

Until then there is a new adventure about the young Princess of Deira, Edlynn, an heir to the throne with her faith for God, with love for a soldier boy ... until her paths cross with Ivar and he takes everything away from her. Based on one of my more successful Ivar imagines this one is called "The Crown" and will image the story of a ruthless Viking leader and a young Christian princess. Already have some chapters up, won't replace my dear Torhild but sure as hell hope you would enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

As always I have to thank a lot of people, especially @serenity28 for the major support in this travel of writing. Without you this whole second part wouldn't be there to begin this. You are gold sister, never forget what you mean for me and this all. Second off course @JustsimplyMe93 and @pandaskwad for the support and comments every chapter again and again. I love you guys. I should put everyone who voted and comment in here but then I would have some work to do. You all mean so much to me for supporting this. I hope you enjoy my other stories as much as you did this and what is maybe to follow. You can always talk with me, I wouldn't want it in another way.

Thank you so much!!


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