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The rain dropped down the whole night, leaving Torhild hardly capable of moving under a tree. It gave a little selter but it wasn't enough. The underdress was soaked wet, the cold leaved her body shaking while the gods terrorized her even further. For hours the only sound was the heavy rain dropping down, no signs of animals, no signs of life. There was nothing. She was exhausted but stayed awake, trying to get from one tree to another while she felt every bit of energy slip away out of her body. Her body didn't stopped shivering from the cold. It was hardly light when the rain stopped, Torhild stroke the wet strains of hair out of her face, tried to hold on to a tree while she tried to orientate in her surroundings. But there was nothing left but trees and the sounds of morning so she started walking again. Fairly, she wouldn't mind if someone captured her again, the night broke her fighting spirit and left her there to die. She pulled up her dress, walking over from a forest to a field. She stopped and looked around hoping to see something, a building, a farm, a path to walk on. People, her eyes turned back, to two movements through the forest.
'There she is!' One pointed. Torhild sighned, looking to across the field where she had some shelter again. Maybe she should surrender? It would be the easiest way, getting back and try again. But when one shot an arrow, missing her on a inch she realized that they weren't planning on letting her life. Torhild started running, the heaviness of the soaked wet dress slowed her down. The exhausting, the cold, she hardly could run. A new arrow flew over her head. Scared to look over her shoulder and fall she putted all her energy in getting to that forest. But there was a creek, streaming right in front of that forest. The sound of a heavy fall maked her stopped right before it, calculating if she could jump over it.
'Running princess?' Torhild jerked around and looked up. Her body felt so much relief in the moment she dropped down on her knees. 'Next time you run off, don't run to far.' He advised her. Tears welled up in her eyes, she pushed her body up and walked with the last of energy to his chariot. She pulled herself on it an trew her arms around his neck, burying her head against his shoulder. His arm sneaked around her body and pulled her closer. His warmth, his sent, the emotions maked her so weak in her knees she hardly had to power to keep standing. 'I promised him to bring you back, I'm glad I don't have to lie about it.' He confessed. Torhild pulled just enough back to look into his eyes.
'I lied.'
'About what?'
'Not loving you anymore.' She whispered. He laid his finger under her chin and pushed her face a little up before he placed his lips on hers. Torhild opened hers in a longing for him. Past months, years, there was nothing she wanted more than this. She tried to deny it, everytime again but it was the truth, she always loved Ivar and that handn't change for one moment. Her fingers stroke his jawline, pushing herself even closer to him.
'God, I missed you.' He whispered against her lips. Torhild rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes, tears running down her face. 'You're safe Torhild, I won't let you go, not a second time.' He comforted her. She nodded, placing another kiss against his lips, tender, slowly.
'I see you found Torhild again.' Torhild jerked her head away from Ivar and looked over to the creek. Ase stood on the other side, giving Ivar a critical look. 'I told him not to do that but he never listens.' She said with a softer smile. Torhild smiled, for the first in days she really smiled again, a tired one but one with meaning. Her eyes traveled back to Ivar, running her fingers in his neck.
'Please tell me Raynor is alright?'
'Yes, he is waiting for you.' His fingers run over her naked shoulder, she shivered. 'You look terrible.' He noticed, pulling of his cloack and giving it her.
'I feel terrible.' She shivered while pulling his cloak around her body.
'You're alive.' He said softly.
'I'm alive. I got some perspective.'
'Now I'm curious.' He tilted his head, looked down over her soaked wet dress. She laid her hand under his chin and leaded his head up, looking in those strong blue eyes.
'I need my Heathen Army.'
'Is already arranged my queen.' He pulled her in for another kiss, eagerly and she couldn't resist it. Her hands laid on both sides of his face,it didn't mattered how tired she was, she just wanted him. Every single bit of touch warmed her body, every bit of tast restarted her broken heart for him.
'Don't tell me you married Elisabeth in the meantime.' She panted, her lips greedy for more.
'No, I always pretended it was you anyway.' He whispered back, giving her a long kiss. Torhild moaned and pulled back, out of breath.
'Go, bring me to Raynor before I drop dead here.' Ivar only nodded, leaded the stallion back the way he came from. She holded on to the egde of his chariot and stroke her fingers through her hair. Some part of her wanted to stay on this field forever with Ivar. She probably would if it wasn't for Raynor and the fact she was so exhausted.

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